Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Racial Profiling Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Racial Profiling - Research Paper Example It should be noted that there are many organizations which advocate for human rights and all individuals must be respected whether they come from a minority group or a dominant group. The idea that an arrest is made based race or ethnicity is only an indication that those countries or people in that nation still practice racial discrimination which is a bad concept. When the law is being implemented it must be implemented equally on all people in the society and should not be seen to lie on one side. People or different races have rights and when their rights are violated it becomes not only an issue in that country but also raises international concerns. Racial profiling as a problem It has been seen that racial profiling is any action initiated by the law enforcement agencies whether the police or any other group that is mandated with the authority to enforce the law that is based on race or ethnicity or even the nationality of an individual rather than by looking at the behavior o f that individual or any other information that may lead to the suspect who committed a crime or offence. The idea that because a given race is present in a given place means that they are the ones engaged in criminal activity is rather absurd and should not be tolerated (Tomaskovic-devey, 2009). ... George Bush once said in 2001 in his address that racial profiling is a bad idea and America will work to ensure that it is stopped. He noted that though there are many good police officers out there are a few who are still practicing the vice and they will not be tolerated and measures will be put in place to stop these abuses (Ryberg, 2011). Racial profiling is still a huge problem in the United States law enforcement agencies and especially the police. The police have said that racial profiling is a good concept. That it is both effective and necessary. They say that crime is higher in some communities and not in others especially those that have a minority population existing among them. They argue that the minority population is the one that engages in crimes and that to ignore that fact just because of the moral implications behind it is unprofessional and morally wrong. (Glover, 2007) Many other scholars have argued against this saying that the presence of a minority group in the population does not necessarily mean that they are the ones engaged in the criminal activity. The dominant group may also be responsible for the criminal activity and because they know that the minority group will be accused they hide and only perfect their plans making it even harder to recognize them. The causes of racial profiling are very clear. Scholars argue that the prevalence of this issue is based on poor reasoning from the police officer. They argue that because the cock crows every morning and we see the sun rise does not mean that there is a correlation between the two. Thus because there is crime in a given area and there is the presence of a minority group does not

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