Tuesday, December 24, 2019
Essay Exam Euh1000 - 1386 Words
| Essay Exam #2 West of the World | Virginia Atteberry10/16/2011 | Fall 2011 – EUH1000- Western Civil Thru 1589 - 35290 | 1. Discuss the Lay Investiture struggle and give its effects. What was really at stake? The Lay Investiture struggle was between the people of the Church and the rulers of Europe. The rulers wanted to have power over the church which would require the church officials to become dependent upon the government. Not only would the pope and the other officials of the church not have their independence in the church but also the land and religious offices would be at stake. The hunger for more power began with Otto I, who demanded that the pope crown him as Holy Roman Empire’s emperor. Otto I’s crown†¦show more content†¦Medieval kings followed specific outlines of treaties and slow but sure glorification because of the initial weak position. One of the more important specific events involved was the Norman Conquest of England. The medieval societies and cultures were articulated through distinguishing styles and institutions such as the Gothic cathedral, the scholastic Summas, the manors, and the guilds. Medieval politics formed a parallel countenance in the old-fashioned monarchy as it flourished throughout the High Middle Ages. Greater rudimentary diversity were present in medieval politics more so than in social or cultural practices. The agricultural improvements bore new ingredients to the rural life. Some peasants were almost free farmers, having few debts to their lords. Noble landlords mainly served military functions only, as they owned horses and armor, which was required in order to be able to fight to the end of the medieval period. Nobles, well most of the nobles, rejected the defect of exchanges, Nobles found that too much money-grubbing was patronizing. Nobles did use trade as a way to advance the living standards and implement more refined behaviors. The chivalrous writings of the late Middle Ages revealed the new way of life. http://history-world.org/midchurchhigh.htm http://occawlonline.pearsoned.com/bookbind/pubbooks/stearns_awl/medialib/IM/ch16.pdf
Monday, December 16, 2019
Germination of Seeds Free Essays
A seed consists essentially of a seed coat, stored food and a young plant, the embryo. The seed coat may be made of inner tegmen and outer testa. On the seed coat a scar (hilum) is present which shows the place of attachment of a seed in the fruit is present. We will write a custom essay sample on Germination of Seeds or any similar topic only for you Order Now At one end of the hilum is the micropyle. Through micropyle the seed absorbs water during the process of germination. The embryo consists of epicotyl,one or two seed leaves called cotyledons, and a hypocotyle. The portion of the embryo above the point of attachment of cotyledons to embryo axis, and below the plumule is called epicotyl. The plumule forms shoot. the portion of the embryo below the point of attachment of cotyledons to embryo axis but above the radicle, is called hypocotyls. The radicle forms root. The seed also contain the food, derived from the endosperm tissue. The food may remain as such or may be digested and stored in the cotyledons. Thus the cotyledons become thick due to the presence of stored food. This food is supplied to the developing plant during the process of germination of seeds. In the grain of maize, the cotyledon is modified into an organ called scutellum a term that comes from the Latin word meaning â€Å"Shield†. The food stored in scutellum is used first during germination of seed. Later on scutellum absorbs the food of endosperm and supply it to the developing embryo. â€Å"The maize grain is infact a single seeded fruit in which seed coat fruit wall is fused. †Practical Work: investigating structure of seed of gram and maize With the help of hand lens locate micropyle and hilum of the two seeds. With the help of scalpel cut the seeds longitudinally and observe different parts of the embryo along with endosperm with the help of (fig 16. 1) 1. What is the function of micropyle? 2. Why can’t you find endosperm in gram seed? Fig. 16. 11 Structure of seed of gram (a) and maize grain (b) 16. 5. 1 Seed germination During germination (growth and development) of a seed the water is absorbed through micropyle, and the formerly dormant embryo resumes growth and emerges from the seed. The root is normally the first structure emerging the seed, growing rapidly and absorbing water and min erals from the soil. Much of the water is transported to the cells in embryo. As its cells elongate the stem pushes out of the soil. There are two types of germination, epigeal and hypogeal. When the cotyledons appear above Fig 16. 12 (a) Hypogeal germination in gram seed the ground by the elongation of hypocotyl, the type of seed germination is called epigeal, e. g. seeds of melons, cucumber and beans[Fig 16. 12(b)]. 16. 12 (b) Epigeal germination in bean seed When the cotyledons remain below the soil, and epicotyl elongates bringing only plumule above the soil surface, it is described as hypogeal germination, e. g. eed of gram and maize grain[Fig 16. 12(a)] Germination is the onset of growth of a seed, often lollowing a period of dormancy, in response to suitable environmental conditions. 16. 5. 2 Conditions For germination to take place the seed must be viable (living) and should have sufficient food for its germination. The following environmental conditions must exist. In some seeds such as of tobacco plant light is also necessary to trigger germination o f seeds (i) Moisture or water (ii) Air(O2) (iii) Suitable temperature (i) Moisture or water Through micropyle, the seed absorbs water, which swells it causing the seed coat to burst. This helps the root to emerge out of seed. Water absorbed by the germination seed helps to activate the enzymes to digest the food of seed, which is made available to the growing embryo. It also helps to elongate hypocotyls and epicotyl, to grow out. (ii) Air Because oxidative metabolism usually takes over soon after a plant embryo starts to grow, most seeds require oxygen for germination. So air is very important for germination as it contains about 21% of oxygen, which is used during respiration. iii)Suitable temperature Germination of seeds occur over a wide temperatue range between 5-30 C. the optimum temperature for the germination of seeds of most plants ranges between 25-30 C. optimum or suitable temperature is necessary for the enzymes to function. During early germination of seeds, the vital mobilization of food reserves stored in the embryo cotyledons or the endosperm is mediated by h ormones, which in some cases are gibberellins. Practical work: investigating the conditions necessary for germination Set up four test tybes each with ten seeds labeled A, B, C and D as shown in Fig. 16. 13. Put tubes A, C and Din a warm place, in laboratory, Put tube B in a refrigerator. The test tube will have the following environmental conditions: Water, suitable temperature and air Water and the air (low temperature) Suitable temperature and air Water and suitable temperature (no air) Observe the test tubes regularly for about one week. 1. In which tubes the seeds germinate? 2. Did all the seeds in these tubes germinate, if not, why? Name the conditions necessary for the germination of seeds? How to cite Germination of Seeds, Papers
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Successful Leadership free essay sample
Only by mastering the above 3 qualities then can a leader be considered as a successful leader. Do you still think successful leadership is Just about winning the hearts and minds of the people? You may ask: why bother to win the hearts and minds of the people? A leader has to be able to win the hearts and minds of the people to gain their support. This is necessary because a leader must have followers, followers who are willing to listen to the leader, followers who believe in the leader. So how does a leader achieve this? Well, to win their hearts and minds of people, I believe that it all starts with the eader encouraging and motivating the people. By doing so, the people will feel that their leader actually cares for them and that the leader is as though a close friend of theirs, supportive. This will definitely help bridge the gap between the leader and the people, bringing their relationship closer. Through this, the leaders are then able to gain the trust of the people, and when this mutual trust it built, the group can then effectively reach goals as a whole, as one. Of course, the leader must also be meritocratic and fair in order to win the hearts and minds of the people. The core of it all is to make the people happy, make everyone happy. Being biased to a certain group of people may bring them happiness and gain the support of them. However, the rest of them will feel that they are unfairly treated and will definitely rise against this leader. In history, we saw the French Revolution, which was caused by resentment towards royal absolutism, resentment towards noble privileges and dominance, by the peasants. Therefore, if a leader cannot even achieve win the hearts and minds of the people, who will be willing to support him? Who will be willing to choose a person who does not understand them well as their leader? Who will want a leader that is biased towards the rich, leaving a huge gap between the minority of the rich and the majority of the poor? No one will. The second aspect of successful leadership is to lead by example. A leader has to serve as a role model for the people to follow, then will people listen to you. You cannot expect a leader to ask people stop smoking when he himself does not stop, can you? Policies implemented must include the leader himself too. If the leader does ot adhere to his own policy, this will be known as what the Chinese call shuo yi tao, example, he will not only serve as a role model but also as an inspiration for the others. People will have the mentality that if he can do it, so can l, therefore, I feel that whether or not a leader leads by example is an important turning point in his leadership career. Leading by example is important but what is the most important thing that the leader has to lead in? The most important thing a leader must lead in is to be morally upright and work for the group interest rather than personal nterests. As a group, a leader not only has to look after his own interests but also the interests of his fellowmen. One, who gives up his group interests for their own, is not only a bad leader but also a traitor, and if he is caught, they will be severely dealt with under the hands of the law. A clear example is former president Chen Shui-bian, who was charged with embezzling $3. 15 million during his presidency, receiving bribes worth at least $9 million, the laundering of some of the money through Swiss bank accounts, and the forging documents. He had sacrificed the interests of the ublic for his own and even tried to deny the public of the truth. Such leaders are definitely not role models but rather serve as examples for people to not follow. The final and most important factor of successful leadership is to have foresight and understand the team well. A leader has to be able to set long-term achievable goals for the team, steering the team towards success. This ability to foresee the road ahead for the team and prepare the team according to the conditions is Just like the telescope of submarine. A leader must also have the foresight in understanding hether if the measures taken are in the best interest or beneficial to the group. Although measures taken may not be necessarily popular, it will be necessary as long as it is for the long-term benefit of the group. In Singapore, we have the Electronic Road Pricing. This system may not be popular with commuters, with many locals criticizing the system. However, it is effective in preventing heavy congestions. If Singapore did not have such a system coupled with the large population of cars in Singapore, Singaporeans may be facing heavy congestions during rush-hour periods. So, a leader must persevere and push forward what he thinks is the best for the people despite severe criticisms. A last point that a leader needs to recognize is the importance of coordination and cooperation within the team. Coordination is required for the effective reach of goals whereas cooperation is needed so that both the leader and people can help each other, point out each of their weaknesses, allowing the change for the better. This change will bring the entire group to greater heights. To sum up, a leader with vision encompasses the ability to understand what s beneficial and set achievable goals for the team. At the same time, he is also willing to listen to his people and learn about his weaknesses. Only by recognizing his mistakes then can he work on them. In my opinion, this is the best and the core of successful leadership. Successful leadership is not only about winning the hearts and minds of the people but includes a concoction of leading by example and having the foresight to plan ahead. By encompassing all these qualities, then will the people be happy, then will the people respect the leader and then will the team succeed. So heres my say: one
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Nike Is The Leading Shoe And Athletic Apparel Company In The United St
Nike is the leading shoe and athletic apparel company in the United States and one of the largest in the world. In 1993, Nike's fiscal revenues were as large as the NBA, NFL, and Major League Baseball's television deals, ticket sales, and paraphernalia sales combined. In addition to their phenomenal sales, Nike has marketed itself so thoroughly that it has literally become a household name. Over 200 of the 324 NBA players wear Nike shoes, with over 80 of them under contract to do so. 275 professional football players and 290 Major League Baseball players join them. Nike's fame however, is not limited to professional sports. Over one half of the NCAA championship basketball teams of the past decade have worn Nike shoes and apparel and the company has endorsement agreements with over 200 colleges and universities. The scope of this corporation even extends beyond the United States. Nike recently paid an unfathomable $200 million in an endorsement deal with the Brazilian National Soccer Team (State of California v. NIKE, Inc.; Nike). This hefty sum of money seems even more outrageous given the conditions of the factories used to produce these high-dollar goods. Nike does much of its shoe production in China where workers cannot be represented by labor unions. In these factories, workers are paid $1.50 at best for a pair of shoes that sells for around $100. In attempts to improve its public image, Nike repeatedly makes claims that its workers are paid double the minimum wage. Ironically, in most cases workers actually make less than the minimum wage. In Vietnamese factories, the minimum wage is $35 per month. Most Nike workers contend to make less, and their pay stubs serve as proof. Some employees actually make as little as 300,000 dong or $25.86 per month. This leaves literally no room for savings and most workers have to seek financial assistance from relatives just to survive (Greenhouse; O'Rourke ). The same company that paid $200 million for an endorsement can't pay its workers more than the required $35 a month. Dusty Kidd, Director of Nike Labor Practices offered some insight into Nike's philosophy. "I am fully cognizant of the call on the part of some for a "living wage". That is generally defined as sufficient income to support the needs of a family of four. We simply cannot ask our contractors to raise wages to that level ? whatever that may be ? while driving us all out of business; and destroying jobs, in the process." On the contrary, just one month after that statement was issued, Kathryn Reith, Manager of Women's Sports Issues made a proclamation of her own. "Nike is fulfilling our responsibility as a global corporate citizen each and every day by guaranteeing a living wage for all workers...and creating opportunity for women's financial independence." (State of California v. NIKE, Inc.). Nike's female workers have a different view of the situation. The salary they receive cannot even constitute a living wage for a single person, let alone a family of four as Mr. Kidd stated. To eat three meals a day, these women must spend at least $2.10 per day. The average daily wage for these women is $1.60. A salary too small to provide food for them is hardly a living wage. To counter this, Nike CEO Philip Knight wrote a letter to the New York Times dated June 21, 1996 claiming that Nike "provides free meals, housing, and health care" to its workers. A review of check stubs shows that workers are charged nine cents for their lunch each day, bringing their hourly wage down to 16.8 cents per hour. At the typical 267 hours Vietnamese workers put in each month (107 of those hours being overtime by U.S. standards), they bring home an average of $45. In addition, workers themselves pay for their health care and company-funded housing is a fantasy (State of California v. NIKE, Inc.). Small salaries such as this fall short of justifying the hours workers are forced to put in. Vietnam's labor law limits overtime to 200 hours per year on a voluntary basis. Nike workers however are forced to work overtime, often in excess of 500 hours per year. If these workers
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Role of Context in Espionage and Shaping Values Essay Example
Role of Context in Espionage and Shaping Values Essay Example Role of Context in Espionage and Shaping Values Essay Role of Context in Espionage and Shaping Values Essay Essay Topic: Claim Of Value In the world of Espionage, how do these texts demonstrate the role of context and the individual in shaping values? In the nightmarish and brutal spy world it is often necessary to carry out certain actions to achieve a collective goal. In John Le Carres novel Smileys People and Tony Scotts film Spy Game there is collectivised action to fight against the opposition, possibly losing what they stand for and in doing so jeopardising the security of their countries by embodying this double standard in their Intelligence Services. As John Le Carre said â€Å"the things we must do to protect our country are making our country not worth protecting†. It is with these tense and brutal circumstances were the true colours of countries and people transpire, were the values that individuals hold dear are tested and the underlying themes of espionage are shown. Most noticeably the themes of moral relativism and the conflict between the personal and the professional stand out as lives are seen as the expected cost in the fight for the greater good. The fight for the greater good is an integral part in espionage, both in real life experiences and in texts. In the two texts there is a belief that all is done for this greater good. Where the lies, deception and casualties are justified as a means to the greater end. This view underlines the theme of Moral Relativism and its value of the regard to human life. In Spy Game the brutality in espionage is highlighted as countries and men would sacrifice each other for the greater good. In the film we see these recurring characteristics in Bishop being tortured, Hadley being abducted and suicide bombers attempting to kill a single terrorist. In particular during a meeting between Bishop and Muir, a heated argument occurs between them where Bishop tells Muir, â€Å" we used him and we killed him Nathan, what are we doing here? And dont give me some bullshit about the greater good†. In which Muir blatantly replies, as if though their is no emotion in sacrificing a life, â€Å"Thats exactly what its about. Because what we do is unfortunately, very necessary. And if youre not willing to sacrifice scum like Schmidt †. This example shows that all is done for the greater good – in this case to reveal the identity of the mole. In particular this scene uses fast-paced panning combined with zooming out on the subject Bishop to highlight his insignificance. This cinematic technique shows the confusion in Bishops mind as his own personal value of sanctity of life is being undermined. This is coupled with the use of a close up shot to scrutinise the face of Bishop to show his deep-seated strain. This allows the responder to see Bishops personal views on this theme etched on his face, his disgust and pain on what Muir has told him. It is not that Muir is entirely void of values rather Tony Scott allows the responder to grasp that the context of espionage overshadows Muirs own values. Muirs views his actions as being â€Å"unfortunately, very necessary†. It is through this where Muir is subjected to his own self-afflicted personal suffering at the expense for bringing about the greater good. This is expressed in him saying to Bishop â€Å"Seventy-five casualties one dead terrorist? Yeah, happy. †The use of sarcasm shows his own discontent at his actions as he himself must face his own kind of suffering. Even though he despises that he brought about the deaths to achieve his goal, this is what he sees is required of him. Moral Relativism and its values are also expressed in Smileys People whereby Karla is the ultimate moral relativist. His actions are justified b y him to achieve his own personal end – to protect the identity of his daughter Tatiana. The conflict of views between Muir and Bishop highly relates to Smileys People as shown between Smiley and Karla. Yet it is with a sense that Karla and Smiley share something common although with different views on values. Karla is described as â€Å"a man to whom the killing came first, questioning later†where Smiley is not simply doing the job of eliminating foreign spies rather his job encompasses dreams and personality. Le Carre uses juxtaposition of Karla against Smiley as they can both be seen as similar entities. When faced against each other they both saw something hence â€Å"perhaps each for that second did see in the other something of himself†. Yet, it is the absence of moral values from Karla as to where he and Smiley separate. Smiley showed regard for human life and the need that his actions should not bring devastation to the innocent. Yet Karlas values are ultimately shaped by his individual situation concerning Tatiana and his position within the world of espionage. Karlas disregard to human life is revealed through the killing of Kirov, Vladimir, Leipzig and the attempted murder of Ostrakova all for the sake of Tatiana. Smiley is also faced with personal demons but through his experiences with Karla he is able to defeat them. The quote â€Å"an unholy vertigo seized him as the very evil he had fought against seemed to reach out and possess him and claim him despite his striving†which uses hyperbole to represent his immense struggle and where Karla succumbs to this evil, Smiley powers through it. In the end the fight to defeat him has not left him scarred in the likeness of Karla, rather it has left him with a sense of control. This view is similar to Spy Game whereby Bishop says to Muir â€Å"Im done with the reasons, Nathan Im not ending up like you. Both Smiley and Bishop require there values to be shaped by what they believe in, not to be shaped for them by the people and situations around them. Another common theme to espionage is the conflict between the personal and the professional. It is seen that a balance between the personal and the professional can not occur as the context of espionage requires the individuals complete and undivided attention. In Spy Game Bishops experiences with Schm idt makes things personal, as he calls out to him â€Å"my wife, my children! †. The use of the black and white editing technique in this scene indicates that the situation has shifted from the perceived reality. That is, the view of values has changed from the coloured and clear world of Muir where everything is done for the greater good, to this black and white world were things are not as clear to perceived and are beyond control. In particular Tony Scott employs the full array of modern camera techniques such as fast motion, reverse zooms and lenses to create the most realistic approach to this scene, to indicate the frustration and confusion of Bishop as to what has just been done. It shows that Bishop has finally become subjective and emotive rather than being objective and detached from other individuals around him. This camera movement is similar in scenes involving Hadley to show that Muir has underestimated Bishops feelings. Muir shows by rescuing Bishop that he is not entirely void of emotion or considerably â€Å"playing by the rules of the game†rather his own personal values have been shaped by his individual experiences; that of his times with Bishop. The conflict between the personal and the professional is also found in Smileys People. The inclusion of emotion in their profession is destructive, as there needs to be rational decisions made rather than those that are personal and emotive. In particular the use of jargon in their profession is necessary to prevent emotional connection. Such words as â€Å"honey traps, no doubles†adds a simplistic and disconnected feel to otherwise horrific situations. This disconnection leads to some division whereby Smiley sees his professional life completely governing his personal. As we know â€Å"Smiley would have promised Karla immunity from prosecution for complicity in the murder of Vladimir†to bring about his defection. Even though Vladimir was a friend, Smileys need to defeat Karla overshadowed justice in convicting Vladimirs killers. The values presented with this theme are those that are most objectified in espionage. The values that love and honesty lie above professional conduct and personal feeling is more important than the requirement of the job are explored by both composers. In both texts there are conflicting views, presented through Smiley and Bishop. Where Bishop is still young he sees these values as being important compared to Smiley whos life has passed by with disappointment. Smiley was told by Ann â€Å"how can you love the living if you do not even mourn for the dead†, his many losses throughout his life both in war and personally; the infidelities of Ann and loss of Vladimir have caused his values to suffer. In the end Bishop honestly confesses his true nature telling Hadley â€Å"my names Tom†. This leads him to object against Muir who believes that when the professional and the personal interact problems occur. These problems are similar to Karla attempting to carry out his profession while also trying to protect his daughter, which leads to his downfall. Nevertheless, Smileys People and Spy Game both indicate that the world of espionage is one steeped with its themes and values. The context of espionage and the individual take the role of shaping values. Yet it is not only the individuals decision as to how their values shape rather the profession takes its own charge against individuals, either positively shaping values the individuals stand for or fuelling the negativity in the values the individuals believed they were there to prevent.
Friday, November 22, 2019
French Noun Endings Can Be a Telltale Sign of Gender
French Noun Endings Can Be a Telltale Sign of Gender French gender is a headache for many students of French. Why is manteau masculine and montre feminine? Why is tà ©moin always masculine and victime always feminine? As vexing as this subject is for nonnative speakers, we simply have to accept that French gender is here to stay. In fact, consider yourself lucky that youre studying French; in German and Latin, for instance, youd have to learn three genders (masculine, feminine and neuter), and in still other languages, it gets even more complicated. It might help to know that grammatical gender (what were discussing here) has nothing to do with natural gender, which is actual, physical gender of living beings. Linguist Andrew Livingston tells us grammatical gender is a way of classing nouns thats older than recorded history. Its deeply embedded in the DNA of an array of Indo-European languages that trace their lineage to a common ancestor, which probably needed to differentiate between the animate and the inanimate. In French, theres simply no way to know the gender of every single noun other than by memorizing the gender of each. There are, however, certain patterns in suffixes and word endings that are a tip-off. As you can see by the number of exceptions here, these gender patterns are not foolproof indicators, but they can help. Before we begin, a couple of notes: We try to list the most common and, thus, most useful exceptions; we avoid obscure exceptions. Also, to avoid confusion, we do not list dual-gender nouns. French Masculine Nouns Here are some suffixes that usually indicate masculine nouns, as well as some important exceptions. -ageExceptions: la cage, une image, la nage, la page, la plage, la rage -b -bleExceptions: une cible, une à ©table, une fable, une table -cException: la fac (apocope of la facultà ©) -cleException: une boucle -d -deExceptions: la bride, la merde, la mà ©thode, la pinà ¨de; -ade, -nde, -ude endings -à ©Exceptions: la clà ©, la psychà ©; sà ©, tà ©, and tià © endings -eauExceptions: leau, la peau -à ¨geException: la Norvà ¨ge -et -eurNote: This applies mainly to names of professions and mechanical or scientific things; also see -eur in the list of feminine endings. -fExceptions: la soif, la clef, la nef -iExceptions: la foi, la fourmi, la loi, la paroi -ing -isme -k -lException: une roseval -mException: la faim -meExceptions: une alarme, une à ¢me, une arme, la cime, la coutume, la crà ¨me, là ©cume, une à ©nigme, une estime, une ferme, une firme, une forme, une larme, une plume, une rame, une rime, -mme ending -mentException: une jument -nExceptions: la faà §on, la fin, la leà §on, la main, la maman, la ranà §on; -son and -ion endings -oExceptions: la dactylo, la dynamo, la libido, la mà ©tà ©o, la moto, la steno (most of these are apocopes of longer feminine words) -oir -one -ou -p -rExceptions: la chair, la cour, la cuiller, la mer, la tour (see feminine -eur) -sExceptions: la brebis, la fois, une oasis, la souris, la vis -steExceptions: la liste, la modiste, la piste; names for people like un(e) artiste, un(e) nudiste, etc. -tExceptions: la burlat, la dent, la dot, la forà ªt, la jument, la mort, la nuit, la part, la plupart, la ziggourat -treExceptions: la fenà ªtre, une huà ®tre, la lettre, la montre, la rencontre, la vitre -uExceptions: leau, la peau, la tribu, la vertu -xExceptions: la croix, la noix, la paix, la toux, la voix Feminine Noun Endings Here are some suffixes that usually indicate feminine nouns, as well as some important exceptions. Remember, we list here the most common endings, because these will be the most useful for you to know. -aceExceptions: un ace, un palace -adeExceptions: le grade, le jade, le stade -aleExceptions: un chà ¢le, un pà ©tale, un scandale -ance -beExceptions: un cube, un globe, un microbe, un tube, un verbe -ceExceptions: un artifice, un armistice, un appendice, le bà ©nà ©fice, le caprice, le commerce, le dentifrice, le divorce, un exercice, un office, un orifice, un prà ©cipice, un prince, un sacrifice, un service, le silence, le solstice, le supplice, un vice -cà ©Exception: un crustacà © -eNote: Most countries and names that end in e are feminine. -eeException: un pedigree -à ©eExceptions: un apogà ©e, un lycà ©e, un musà ©e, un pà ©rigà ©e, un trophà ©e -esse -eurNote: This applies mainly to abstract qualities and emotions, except le bonheur, lextà ©rieur, lhonneur, lintà ©rieur, le malheur, le meilleur. Also see -eur on the list of masculine endings. -feException: le golfe -ieExceptions: un incendie, le foie, le gà ©nie, le parapluie, le sosie -ià ¨reExceptions: larrià ¨re, le cimetià ¨re, le derrià ¨re -ineExceptions: le capitaine, le domaine, le moine, le magazine, le patrimoine -ionExceptions: un avion, un bastion, un billion, un camion, un cation, un dominion, un espion, un ion, un lampion, un lion, un million, le morpion, un pion, un scion, un scorpion, un trillion -iqueExceptions: un graphique, un pà ©riphà ©rique -ireExceptions: un auditoire, un commentaire, un dictionnaire, un directoire, un horaire, un itinà ©raire, livoire, un laboratoire, un navire, un pourboire, le purgatoire, le rà ©pertoire, le salaire, le sommaire, le sourire, le territoire, le vocabulaire -ise -iteExceptions: lanthracite, un ermite, le granite, le graphite, le mà ©rite, lopposite, le plà ©biscite, un rite, un satellite, un site, un termite -lleExceptions: le braille, un gorille, un intervalle, un mille, un portefeuille, le vaudeville, le vermicelle, le violoncelle -mmeExceptions: un dilemme, un gramme, un programme -ndeException: le monde -nne -oleExceptions: le contrà ´le, le monopole, le rà ´le, le symbole -rreExceptions: le beurre, le parterre, le tonnerre, le verre -seExceptions: un carosse, un colosse, le gypse, linverse, un malaise, un pamplemousse, un parebrise, le suspense -sà ©Exceptions: un exposà ©, un opposà © -sion -sonExceptions: un blason, un blouson -tà ©Exceptions: un arrà ªtà ©, le comità ©, le comtà ©, le cà ´tà ©, un dà ©putà ©, un à ©tà ©, le pà ¢tà ©, le traità © -tià © -tionException: le bastion -udeExceptions: le coude, un interlude, le prà ©lude -ueException: un abaque -uleExceptions: le prà ©ambule, le scrupule, le tentacule, le testicule, le và ©hicule, le ventricule, le vestibule ï » ¿-ureExceptions: le centaure, le cyanure, le dinosaure, le murmure
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Integration and Reflection Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 2
Integration and Reflection - Essay Example I feel that couple of more complicated real life situations as usually encountered in the industries could help me sharpening my abilities. I am curious to know how increase and decrease in money supply dictates interest rates. For example, the US witnessed very high interest rates in 1980s due to low money supply but post 2008 financial crisis, the country experienced very low interest rates. The question important to me is that how far this is related to money supply? I know that it has more to do with economics rather than finances yet it appears to me that forecasting future interest rates is a way to settle discounting rates more appropriately as it largely dictates the present value of the future streams of revenue. It is absolutely clear to me that the learning in this course such as IRR, capital budgeting, importance and calculation of present value by considering most appropriate discounting rate, necessity of selecting appropriate capital structure for enhancing shareholders value and many other financial measures are critical for understanding and spearheading the growth of company under consideration. In short, the entire course has improved my worth a lot and I am pretty sure that the knowledge that I have gained in this course will help me in my professional and personal life, especially where finance-related decision making process is
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Evaluate the actions of the Spanish, French, English, and Dutch Essay
Evaluate the actions of the Spanish, French, English, and Dutch explorers and colonizers. Be sure to consider their impact on the native peoples, the environme - Essay Example New trade routes were a necessity in competing with other European countries. Trade of European goods for spices and other goods not available in Europe were in high demand. An explorer who opened up or discovered a new trade route was handsomely compensated by their government. Wilkenson (2002, p. 20) explains â€Å"more and more explorers tried to open up trade routes.†Faster trade routes to countries with raw materials were valuable. The faster a ship could reach a country with valuable resources, the sooner they could beat other countries wanting the same materials. Riches also drove the explorers. They were searching for gold, silver, spices, and other natural resources. Abernethy (2002, p. 211) explains how these explorations were â€Å"leading Spain and Portugal to vie in the early sixteenth century for spice-rich islands off Asia’s southeast coast†. Tales of streets of gold and diamonds lying on the ground made it back to Europe. Although the Europeans did not believe such tales, the explorations were popular. Abernethy (2002, p. 191) reports â€Å"led Europeans to ask more insistently whether statements about the world were supported by the evidence. Maritime exploration having paid rich and unexpected dividends.†The expense was being returned ten fold on ships funded for exploration. Spices, gold, diamonds, and other natural resources were being sold at a fraction of the cost to obtain them. These explorers were treasure hunting for their governments, with the dividends paying off richly. The problem with the Europeans finding riches was where the riches were located. The natural resources were located in North and South America, Africa, and other lands not yet explored by Europeans. The natives they met were exotic. However, the Europeans easily conquered these new cultures in order to take their natural resources. Suddenly, the natives were second class citizens in their own
Saturday, November 16, 2019
A Cup of Hot Tea Essay Example for Free
A Cup of Hot Tea Essay A cup Of Hot tea Tea is a kind of drink. We get It from leaves. Now-a-days it Is popular drink in the world. where grows: Tea grows well in the hilly places where rain water can not stand at all. It grows in Bangladesh, India, China and Japan. In Bangladesh it grows well in the hilly areas Sylhet and Chittagong. How grown: Tree plants grow seeds. Seeds are shown in March; seedlings are planted In rows five feet apart. They are regularly prunced and allowed to grow only four or five feet high. How gathered: When tree lants are four years of age, leaves are plucked three or four times a year. The leaves are first dried in the sun and roested in fire. Thus the leaves are ready for use and sale. How prepared: At firest water Is boiled in a pot. Tea leaves are put Into boiling water. After three or four minutes it Is poured into cups through a sieve. The suger and milk is mixed with it. Thus it becomes a good drink. usefulness: Tea is a useful drink to us. Refreshes body and mind. Gives us energy to work. It also helps us o keep awake. Taking tea three times a day Is healthy for healt While gossiping with our friends and relatives we can not heardly think without a cup of hot tea. It brings a new mood of gossiping And In our country it is an important crop also. Demerites: Tea is not always good for healt. Too much of it is bad for health. It kills our hunger. The Importance of tea In our national economy Is very great. It Conjunslon: brings a good deal of foreign money every year. So we should take care of better production of tea.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
The Advantage Of Commercials :: essays research papers
The Advantage of Commercials It began in the early 1940's and to this day still is in many of our lives, even more so then before. It's the TV that I'm referring to. The TV started only as only musicals on it,. But eventually proceeded up to today's oriented world, with movies, sports, and violence. Today more than 98% of all households have a TV. Over 75,000,000 of TV sets are color. To how haw our lives depend on TV; according to A.C. Nielsen, America watches more than 7 hours per day. Many people say TV has many disadvantaged, like expensive commercials. For example, on 30 second commercials in the 1984 Super Bowl cost approximately 450,000 dollars. If you just look at the price it sounds costly, but in reality TV is one of the most cost-efficient media there is. Not only is cost an advantage of TV commercials, so are TV's impact credibility, selectivity, and flexibility. Television is powerful in may ways, mostly by having the ability to combine all major medial into one media called commercials. TV commercials are like direct mail because it comes directly to the consumer in his or her house. It is like the radio because TV has to have sound to make it powerful impact. It is also similar to print or newspapers because TV is able to show the product alone, in a setting, or in use. Finally, unlike any other advertising vehicle, TV can portray the object in motion while the other forms of media cannot. TV is believable mostly because of the old of "seeing is believing" an that is what TV does. Commercials have an unbelievable capacity to induce belief because of this old saying. The other major print that make TV commercial believable is that the actors make the commercials and A or the A+. What is meant by this is that when and actor uses a product on TV and has a satisfying look on his or her face, that's implying that the product is doing it's job effectively. Also the actors can demonstrate the product tooo The most common way to prove a product worthyness, is to test it against a well known competitor. All of these ways make TV commercials not only very believing, but also very persuading. The next quality that TV commercials have is that the commercials are selective. Commercials can reach any target audience. For example, if a commercial is toward children, the commercial will be played in between after school programs that the children like. If commercial is directed toward housewives, they will be played mostly during the midmorning and afternoon.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Educational Changes in the Schools Essay
The educational system is viewed to be an important aspect for the progress of each individual and the society as a whole. Through the involvement with the educational system, each individual personal skills and potential are harnessed and further developed to be used as his or her medium for attaining greater things in life in certain fields such as exploration, discovery, development and others. The progress reflected from the historical basis of the society shows that the civilization has greatly developed transcending the numerous boundaries that their primitive self has and this is mainly attributed to the constant pursuit of knowledge by the people through their educational system. However, in the present, the educational system of the society is faced with numerous problems and challenges, which often negates their benefits and effectiveness it has on the concern of personal and social development. People often argue that these problems are the result of the lack of change in the educational system over the last decade. Indeed, on some aspect, this argument is true as some of the concern and fields in the educational system remains constant over the years thus, unable to cope with the changes in the social condition resulting to certain problems and complications. The social condition over the years is rapidly changing such as problems of poverty, overpopulation, government and military issues and others, and these primarily affect the involvement and the practical application of the educational field in the society. The inability of the educational system to cope with and address the dominant social problems resulting to its ineffectiveness to promote development within an individual and the society he or she is involved in. However, the educational system over the years has also changed addressing and incorporating most of the critical social problems and condition in its concern resulting to the progress that is has already founded over the century. Comparing the face of the educational system in the past with the present will present important insights regarding the development that the said field has already taken to promote further its effectiveness and influence. The educational systems has developed new aspects in its field such as scholarship and financial assistance for poverty issues, new facilities and modernized equipments to cope with the rapid influx of its student population, modernized subjects and courses to address the new trends and needs, and others. If one will consider the problems in the educational system, these are rooted in the perspective and opinion of the people towards the influence of the said field and not in the system of the schools in the present. Education sometimes becomes ineffective not due to its inefficiency but because people negate and disregard its importance. Generally, the field of education is constantly changing and developing further for the promotion and expansion of its benefits and positive influence. Over the century, the educational system has grown and progressed aiding the society to develop into its modernized present self.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Pre-1900 poetry and Atonement Comparison Essay
The poetry collection provides us with a myriad of examples of how many have to face barriers to love – some of our speakers struggle, whilst many prove love to be an indestructible force, mainly seen by writers during the earlier periods who followed more traditional values, believing in a more courtly style love such as Shakespeare in Sonnet 116. However, later on, for example in the Victorian period, as traditions fell to pieces and certain barriers became stronger than the idea of love, people had lost faith: such as Remember. Meanwhile, in Atonement, McEwan takes us on a journey through the love of Robbie and Cecilia who manage to overcome physical separation that many faced at this time due to the World War. He portrays a realistic, yet strong union, proving that even in the Modern times, love can overcome barriers. In the time of the 16th century, during the Renaissance, when Shakespeare famously published his collection of sonnets – including Sonnet 116 – barriers to love were almost seen as insignificant. Post plague, Shakespeare may be giving hope to those who wanted to hold onto tradition and religion, as the Renaissance marked a time of new ideas and a movement away from the typical ideas around love, which could be much alike McEwan in the sense that Robbie and Cecilia’s love was not broken through the war times. In Sonnet 116, love can overcome all; initially, Shakespeare strengthens the idea of love by naming the poem after the form it takes: a sonnet. Everything about this poem represents love, and nothing can get in its way, not even ‘tempests’, proving how powerful it is and how it can even overcome forces of nature. Society creates no boundaries in terms of love within this poem; the use of the metaphor of the ‘star’ signifies how love is not restricted and can be seen by all. Lastly, we see Shakespeare incorporating personification to illustrate the immortal aspect of love and how it overcomes the barrier of time: ‘Love is not Times Foole’. Clearly barriers of love are seen to be easily defeated, as McEwan also portrays in his novel that attempts to highlight Modern Age love, incorporating realistic scenarios such as the awkwardness in the library, and the issues faced due to war. Many lives were lost, and the story of Robbie and Cecilia could be considered a tragedy, as we discover they die at the end. However, our narrator Briony allows their love to transcend death and live on through use of metafiction: ‘the lovers survive and flourish’, and on paper they do. However, McEwan does highlight the truth and how sometimes, we can lose the ones we love and there is nothing we can do about it. Religion was a big deal prior to the Renaissance, but as soon as science and new ideas came into play, their began questioning of the churches authority. William Blake explores how the church becomes the force that prevents love and innocence in his poem: ‘The Garden of Love’. Much alike John Milton’s famous ‘Paradise Lost’, the poem sees religion in a critical manner, implying a need to move away from typical Christian convention. His use of ‘Thou shall not’ is a form of linguistic deviation to invoke a Biblical tone, and almost mocks the 10 commandments and sees religion as a denial of everything – even love itself. God, described as benevolent, has allowed ‘priests in black gowns’, with black signifying negativity, to walk their ‘rounds’ and observe us – not so loving after all. Our speaker uses internal rhyme to highlight how his ‘desires’ are metaphorically ‘binding with briars’, giving us a sense that doing the things that you love result in punishment. Here, love is faced with a barrier that society has pushed onto people and Blake is clearly trying to, along with Milton, become aware of this. Meanwhile, in Atonement, the idea of status can be a barrier to love, not only for Robbie and Cecilia, but Jack and Emily too. For higher classes, divorce was frowned upon, so although Emily ‘did not wish to be told’ about Jack and his absence, there was not much she could do. Meanwhile, Robbie and Cecilia had ‘known each other since they were seven’, yet she claimed ‘everything he did aimed to distance her’ just because he removed his shoes to refrain from dirtying the floor. Clearly, there was tension due to varying status, keeping the two apart for so long. Therefore, a clear barrier to love, and from moving on to continue to love, is status in Modern times. Finally, we have the Scrutiny, written by Richard Lovelace, who explores the barrier to love: lust and the need to expand horizons in terms of being with others. During the time, he, much alike other poets such as Donne, turned to carpe diem poetry. For the speaker, he ‘must all other Beauties’ – using imperatives to signify the importance of experience before settling down. The endless opportunities he has metaphorically pushes him to become a ‘skilful mineralist’, representing his need to collect a variety of things (women). Boredom had almost become a barrier to love, as well as selfishness. Meanwhile, we can similarly see that Jack, in Atonement, has too taken advantage of the other options and has taken to cheat on his wife. We also see Lola marrying her ‘rapist’, implying that not only selfishness, but shame can be a barrier to love due to the selfishness of others. Overall, barriers of love are seen to both insignificant, and also life changing. Love stories became ever harder to write, and McEwan has managed, by setting his novel at the beginning of the 20th century, where many barriers had to be faced, and love was challenged by war, separation of families and couples, and the struggles of status and judgements of society. Therefore, he has shown how easy it is to love in the 21st century, and how potentially love is much weaker as it does not have to overcome any significant obstacles, hence why 42% of marriages end in divorce. The poems can explore many barriers to love, and different approaches are taken on: traditional love that overcomes all, love that is stolen by new ideas such as the church, and a more selfish and arrogant take on love.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Technology Comparison - Mac and PC essays
Technology Comparison - Mac and PC essays Although Windows has made tremendous strides with its latest versions, Macs are easier to use and their operating system is often described as more seamless and intuitive. While setting up a Mac will usually take less time, there are not nearly as many available devices that connect to Macs as there are for PCs and this will limit your options on a variety of levels. The peripherals designed for Macs are proprietary and cost more as a result. That is, hardware designed for a Mac cannot work with a PC. Software follows the same as hardware when it comes to the Mac. Software designed specifically for the Mac will not run on a PC or in the Windows environment. Cost is the most prevalent factor in the Mac vs. PC debate. The newest Mac costs considerably more than a comparable PC that will come with a host of software, bigger monitor, printer, modem, and multimedia system and better upgrade options. IBM, Compaq, Dell, Hewlett-Packard and any number of clone manufacturers provide more choi ce when buying a single PC and those manufacturers do it at prices that Apple cannot match, especially after Apple squelched the Mac clone market over the past few years. When purchased in bulk, however, the costs for PCs and Macs are relatively similar. As far as software is concerned, the PC has the Mac beat, hands down. Due to the domination of market share by the PC, software development is almost wholly targeted away from the Mac and it is being ignored more and more. Simply compare the number of PC software titles to the number of Mac titles in any computer store and you will see how the market is focused. Technical support is another area that can be used to compare the Mac and the PC. A wider variety of support is available for the PC because the need is greater for the PC, just by sheer number, than the support needed for Macs. Although Macs, Mac software and Mac networks tend to be more stable and need much less maintenance, the PC, PC software...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
About and For with Adjectives
About and For with Adjectives About and For with Adjectives About and For with Adjectives By Maeve Maddox The recent post on excited for got me thinking that a list of adjectives that take about and for might be useful. for eager for happy for (as in Im happy for you because you have succeeded.) therapeutic for unsuitable for about adamant about enthusiastic about exuberant about exultant about excited about elated about flippant about guarded about gullible about happy about (as in Im happy about my promotion.) irate about knowledgeable about nosy about overjoyed about phobic about relieved about snobbish about vague about Here are some quotations from newspapers: Sharks Evander Kane eager for 1st playoffs in 9th season Jaguars coach Doug Marrone happy for Bills, but wont delve into his odd exit from Buffalo. Such an announcement is inappropriate. If the Captain determined the airplane was unsuitable for the flight, it is his or her responsibility and Quarry neighbors irate about dumping, water quality. Benton Township residents near the Rocky Ridge Development quarry are upset about Detroit Lions veteran players are excited about first-round draft pick Frank Ragnow. He took snaps at both center and left guard at rookie Kristin Higgins was adamant about not pushing girly stereotypes on her daughter, and painted her room in shades of green. Higgins later Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Writing Basics category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Creative Writing 101One Fell SwoopHow Long Should a Synopsis Be?
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Communication and Learning Skills in Computer Science Essay
Communication and Learning Skills in Computer Science - Essay Example The digital mode of communication has facilitated creation and development of websites and software programs that have to better and eased how people communicate. Social networking is another name for interconnectivity of social sites like face books and twitters among others. Social networking and its complementary social sites have had serious and substantial impacts on how people communicate within their respective environments. Social networking has had both negative and positive impacts on the manner in which people communicate in various societies. Positive Impacts of Social Networking on How People Communicate Social networking has worked to enhance the manner and speed of communication within our various societies. To communicate through social network, one requires having special skills to read, write and interpret the abbreviations used in communicating. Due to the ease of writing these abbreviations, social networking makes it very easy for people to exchange and share inf ormation. Moreover, social networking has worked positively towards improving communication skills and efficiency of shy people who fear communicating on face to face setting (Tyson 2010, p. 9). Since communication only requires participants to write their thoughts, shy people registered in social networks have no reason to restrain from communication. In precise, social networking has enhanced confidence and courage required of people during communication (Mcnamara 2010, p. 13). The use of social networks in business organizations has significantly changed the manner in which institutional management coordinate operations. Instead of writing paper memos for events, managers can nowadays write soft memos and post them on the face book or twitter account of the organization for all friend workers to access. Negative Impacts of Social Networking on How People Communicate Social networking via sites such as Facebook, twitter, Google, and MySpace among others has greatly compromised wri ting skills and the art of communication as a whole (Jung 2012). Though communications conducted through social networking entails writing, the process is usually in the form of short message services (SMS). Real SMSs involve construction and writing of messages and sentences in their short forms that may be difficult for some people to understand. For example, instead of writing the â€Å"goodbye,†a person using SMS while communicating via social networking will write â€Å"gudby†or â€Å"gdby.†Such kinds of communication and very influential and people easily adapt to them, despite their unofficial nature that makes them inappropriate for business communications (Goodall, Goodall and Schiefelbein 2010, p.17). The confidence people tend to have while communicating via social networks has negatively worked to increase cyber-bullying. This has been possible especially in sites like face book where making friends only requires one to send a request and receive confirmation even from anonymous people. The anonymous friend understanding the level of anonymity to the other friend may be tempted to start sending inflammatory messages that translate into bullying. Bullying is usually difficult on a face to face basis of communication as perpetrators fear of their identity to the victim, which may ease accusation and prosecution on the basis of threatening
Thursday, October 31, 2019
Biblical Worldview Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Biblical Worldview - Essay Example Paul suggests that ungodliness will lead to a severe divine reprimand. By not acknowledging God’s omnipotent force, the doubters invoke the wrath of God. Paul cites from the Wisdom of Solomon in explaining how faith is central to human identity. In terms of character traits, Paul attacks hypocrisy in humans, especially the pompous variety exhibited by Jews. He recalls how Jews have been critical of others for not obeying laws when in truth they are none better at it. He implores Christians and Jews alike not to be hypocritical. (2:2) Paul brings to bear his own composite identity on the content of the epistle. Paul was a Hellenistic Jew coming from a Pharisaic stock. Hence, even though a proponent of the message of Jesus Christ, Paul remembers his Jewish heritage. In an implicit fashion, Paul urges his audience to think about their identities in such broad and composite terms. Through the epistle, Paul makes a pitch for harmonious human relations. Having been distressed by the communal tensions between Gentiles, Jews, and Christians, Paul hopes to convey a message of human solidarity. Paul’s sincerity is evident in the ‘Jew first’ motto he employed in the address. He reminded the groups in the strife that they are all brothers and share the same genealogical and socio-historical origins. As for intimate relations, Paul condemns unnatural sexual acts. Such tendencies will reduce the moral and spiritual strength of the indulger and lead him toward depravity.
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Racial Profiling Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Racial Profiling - Research Paper Example It should be noted that there are many organizations which advocate for human rights and all individuals must be respected whether they come from a minority group or a dominant group. The idea that an arrest is made based race or ethnicity is only an indication that those countries or people in that nation still practice racial discrimination which is a bad concept. When the law is being implemented it must be implemented equally on all people in the society and should not be seen to lie on one side. People or different races have rights and when their rights are violated it becomes not only an issue in that country but also raises international concerns. Racial profiling as a problem It has been seen that racial profiling is any action initiated by the law enforcement agencies whether the police or any other group that is mandated with the authority to enforce the law that is based on race or ethnicity or even the nationality of an individual rather than by looking at the behavior o f that individual or any other information that may lead to the suspect who committed a crime or offence. The idea that because a given race is present in a given place means that they are the ones engaged in criminal activity is rather absurd and should not be tolerated (Tomaskovic-devey, 2009). ... George Bush once said in 2001 in his address that racial profiling is a bad idea and America will work to ensure that it is stopped. He noted that though there are many good police officers out there are a few who are still practicing the vice and they will not be tolerated and measures will be put in place to stop these abuses (Ryberg, 2011). Racial profiling is still a huge problem in the United States law enforcement agencies and especially the police. The police have said that racial profiling is a good concept. That it is both effective and necessary. They say that crime is higher in some communities and not in others especially those that have a minority population existing among them. They argue that the minority population is the one that engages in crimes and that to ignore that fact just because of the moral implications behind it is unprofessional and morally wrong. (Glover, 2007) Many other scholars have argued against this saying that the presence of a minority group in the population does not necessarily mean that they are the ones engaged in the criminal activity. The dominant group may also be responsible for the criminal activity and because they know that the minority group will be accused they hide and only perfect their plans making it even harder to recognize them. The causes of racial profiling are very clear. Scholars argue that the prevalence of this issue is based on poor reasoning from the police officer. They argue that because the cock crows every morning and we see the sun rise does not mean that there is a correlation between the two. Thus because there is crime in a given area and there is the presence of a minority group does not
Sunday, October 27, 2019
The Use Of Borrowings In Political Articles English Language Essay
The Use Of Borrowings In Political Articles English Language Essay The purpose of this research is to investigate what the notion borrowing means, how words can be borrowed, what types of borrowing are. To accomplish this goal theoretical research and analysis of political articles were done. The result of the research showed that words are frequently borrowed indirectly, they have Latin or French origin and there are many phonetic and morphemic types of borrowing in political articles. Key words: borrowing, language, word. INTRODUCTION Language is an important tool of communication. A man cannot develop without it properly. It is a main mean due to what a man can express his feelings, emotions and attitude towards reality. Language is the most powerful armor what a man can posses. A man can praise with a word, admire, or even kill with it help. An ability to use words correctly, to be eloquent was highly appreciated since the ancient times. This ability helped to cope with problems, decide and convince. Especially, eloquence was very useful in political discourse. Politicians used all their knowledge and rhetoric in order to achieve their goal. They very carefully chose words when they performed with their speech on stage. Every word carried a definite meaning and served for a particular purpose. Politics, economy, science, education are spheres which demand a specific language. Such language helps to separate one sphere from another. A good example is a political language. The vocabulary of political language is very rich and expressive not only due to the primordial words of a language, but also to words borrowed from other languages. The goal of the research is to investigate the use of borrowings in political articles. The enabling objectives were set up to achieve the researchs goal: to analyse theory on borrowings; to find out the types of borrowings; to analyse political articles; to find out how words are mostly borrowed; to summarize and interpret findings. The research is based on a hypothesis: words, used in political articles, are borrowed frequently in the indirect way and most of them have Latin or French origin. The methods of the research: Theoretical (the analysis of the information and theory on borrowings, their types, ways of borrowing); Practical (the analysis of political articles, the analysis of the examples). Short outline of chapters: The first chapter gives the analysis of the theory on borrowings. The second chapter provides the findings of the research and presents the summary of the research. THEORETICAL ANALYSIS OF BORROWING This chapter deals with theoretical material on what borrowing is, what ways of borrowing exist, and what types of borrowing present. Definition of Borrowing As postulated in Longman Dictionary of Applied Linguistics, a borrowing is a word or phrase which has been taken from one language and used in another language (1992: 42). According to Reformatorskiy, There is no language on earth which lexicon would consist only of its own primordial words (1997: 139). Every language uses borrowings, which help enrich its vocabulary. He states that Borrowings are consequence of interaction of different people and nations on the bases of political, trading and economical relations (1997:473). The English language has been open and not been afraid of borrowing words from other languages during the whole history of Britain. It came in a very close contact with different people and languages thereby enriching and widening its lexicon and expressiveness. As stated in Online 7, there many various borrowings in English from such languages as: Scandinavian, e.g. they, there, them, skin, sky, skirt. Celtic, e.g. clan, flannel, slogan, London, Thames, Dover. Dutch, e.g. yacht, buoy, leak. There are words borrowed from Dutch, which are related to shipping. German, e.g. bear, kindergarten. Italian, e.g. piano, solo, pizza, balcony, opera. Spanish, e.g. guitar, barbeque, ranch. Arabic, e.g. alcohol, zero, tariff. French, e.g. government, parliament, court, nation, property, royal, money. There are enormous amount of words from French in English language. Latin, e.g. bonus, area, collapse. Greek, e.g. comedy, tragedy, physics, zoology. A great quantity of words were borrowed from both, Latin and Greek, especially during Renaissance Period, when was renewed the interest in classical languages. Ways of Borrowing There are two ways of borrowing: Directly Directly means that borrowing happens spontaneously, directly from other language (Reformatorskiy, 1997: 475). e.g. Developers analysing the data warned that in some cases it could be incomplete. (Online 12) Data: L. Eng. (Online 16) Indirectly Indirectly means that borrowing happens through mediators. Mediators usually are other languages (Reformatorskiy, 1997: 475). e.g. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ follows a long-running campaign by the Guardian and campaigners for open government.'(Online 12) Campaign: L. L.L. O.Fr. Fr.- Eng. (Online 16) Types of Borrowing There are four main types of borrowing: Phonetic borrowings As stated in Online 17, phonetic borrowings, called also loan words proper. Words are borrowed with their meaning, spelling and pronunciation. Translation loan or calque Translation loan or calque is word- for word (morpheme for morpheme) translation of some foreign word or expression. On such cases the notion is borrowed from a foreign language but it is expressed by native lexical units (Online 7). As indicated by Longman Dictionary of Applied Linguistics, another explanation of translation loan or calque is a type of borrowing, in which each morpheme or word is translated into the equivalent morpheme or word in another language (1992: 78) Semantic borrowings According to Online 6, semantic borrowings are such units when a new meaning of unit existing in the language is borrowed. Morphemic borrowings Morphemic borrowings are borrowings of affixes. (Online 17) To sum up, words can be borrowed from different languages as Latin, Greek, Spanish, Arabic, Celtic, Scandinavian, etc. There are two ways of borrowing: direct and indirect. Moreover, one can see that there are four main types of borrowings: phonetic, translation loan or calque, semantic and morphemic borrowings. PRACTICAL ANALYSIS OF BORROWING This chapter deals with a practical analysis of articles and provides examples of this analysis. Phonetic borrowings e.g. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦publishing council tax collection rates and data about the performance of services such as rubbish collection and recycling (Online 13) Rate: M.L. rata M.Fr. rate Eng. (Online 16) e.g. Mr Blair moved from a twice weekly 15 minute session to a once- a week 30 minute showdown. (Online 14) Session: L. sessionem O.Fr. session Eng. (Online 16) e.g. The fact that most cash from President Obamas $787 billion stimulus package (Online 18) Stimulus: Mod.L. stimulus Eng. (Online 16) e.g. The two sides and would shape their policy agenda. (Online 10) Agenda: L. agendum Eng. (Online 16) Translation loan or calque e.g. Since his announcement Saturday that he would be the crucial 60th vote necessary (Online 11) Saturday: English Saturday partially calques Latin DiÄâ€Å"s SaturnÄ « day of Saturn.(Online 9) e.g. The opportunity to acquire a potential masterpiece. (The Economist, p.7) Masterpiece from Gr. or Du. (Probably translation of Dutch meesterstuk or German Meisterstà ¼ck: Dutch meester and German Meister, master + Dutch stuk and German Stà ¼ck, piece of work.) (Online 15 ) Semantic borrowings e.g. The bail-out of the banks coincided with the loss of jobs. (The Economist, p.3) The German semantic word die Bà ¤nke originally meant a bench. The English noun a bank has more than one meaning: it means a place where people and organization can invest and borrow money; a sloping raised land along the sides of a river; a pile or mass of earth, clouds; a row of similar things, a bench. However, German later borrowed the other meaning of a bank from English, and today also means a place where people and organization can invest and borrow money; a sloping raised land along the sides of a river; a pile or mass of earth, clouds; a row of similar things.'(Cambridge Advanced Learners Dictionary 2008: 104) Morphemic borrowings e.g. Critics say the job was always earmarked for a Liberal Democrat, irrespective of their qualifications. (Online 10) Irrespective = ir + respective from L._ ir (not). (Online 16) e.g. A cut in the basic rate of tax, a hugely unpopular move he later admitted was a mistake. (Online 8) Unpopular = un + popular from O.E. _un (not) (Online 16) Overall, political articles are full of different types of borrowings. Almost every second word may be considered to be as a borrowing. There are great quantities of phonetic and morphemic borrowings in political articles. Translation loan or calque may appear in colloquial language or literal language rather than in political one. CONCLUSION In conclusion, all words, which are used in a definite language, form its lexicon. Besides it own words, every language has borrowings in its vocabulary. The main purpose of borrowings is to enrich vocabulary of particular language and to make notion more precise. Drawing conclusion is completely based on the results of the analysis of theory on borrowings and the analysis of political articles. On the basis of data collected from political articles, most of words are borrowed indirectly. When analysing the results of the theory and political discourse, the research proved that, the types of borrowing which are mostly presented in political articles are phonetic and morphemic borrowings. The results point to an interesting trend that most of borrowings come from Latin and French languages. The hypothesis of the research has been proved, because in political discourse most of words are borrowed in indirect way and most of them has Latin or French origin. THESES Most of words are borrowed indirectly. There are four main types of borrowings: phonetic, translation loan or calque, semantic and morphemic borrowings. The types of borrowing which are mostly presented in political articles are phonetic and morphemic borrowings. Most of borrowings come from Latin and French languages. Translation loan or calque may appear in colloquial language or literal language rather than in political one. The main purpose of borrowings is to enrich vocabulary of particular language and to make notion more precise.
Friday, October 25, 2019
The Renaissance and Why Its Important Essays -- essays research papers
Q: What was the Renaissance and why was it important? The Renaissance was a radical and comprehensive change of thinking and lifestyle that took place in European culture during the 15th and 16th centuries. The Renaissance was the reformation of many old ideas and the formation of many new, this brought many changes to Europe such as the birth of vital subjects, such as mathematics, geometry, and algebra. As well as sciences such as chemistry and astronomy which led to technological advancements. In my essay I will explain how the flourishing culture helped to inspire new developments in art, clashing views in the Church and religion and the concept of multiculturalism which helped to inspire teaching and learning?s of a broader range subjects. Renaissance artists sought to create art and sculptures that expressed themselves on a deep and emotional level, they created art forms consistent with the appearance of the natural world and with their experience of human personality and behaviour. Renaissance artists considered perspective, or the differences in the way things look when they are close to something or far away. The artists painted in a way that showed these differences. As a result, their paintings seem to have depth and meaning. During the 15th and 16th century artists concentrated mainly on the theme of life after death. This was the result of artists who became increasingly liberated from their guilds to pursue individual carers. Renaissance artists were usually of high prominence in the modern day society. Many were hired by rich patrons to paint in their household of either family or religious themes along their walls. The idea that you hired famous artists to paint for you meant that you and your family were. .. ...h and learn off each other spread all over Europe. Thus, making Toledo a significant element in the innovation of Universities and learning during the period of the Renaissance and the modern day world. In conclusion the Renaissance is an important and significant part of life today as many concepts of learning and teaching, art and religion all contribute to modern day society. The Renaissance saw a dramatic change in people?s thinking and expressions. People felt free to think for themselves for once, rather then how they were meant to think. For example, Artists felt unconstrained to draw and paint the honesty and realism in religion. The public thought for themselves and freed themselves from the church in order to express humanism in society. Cultures and backgrounds came together to teach and learn of each other, oblivious to their race or religion.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Human Genetic Engineering Research: Where to draw the line
Abstract Human genetic engineering is the manipulation of an individual's genotype with the goal of choosing the phenotype (Singers 1). This has already been a very controversial issue when it has been done on animals, but tampering with humans takes this issue to a whole different level. It holds the promise of curing genetic diseases like cystic fibrosis and improving the immunity of people to viruses (Conner 4). However, it also opens up a whole new world where the laws of nature can be broken.Parents can choose to change the gender of their baby; they can choose to change their appearance, and they can even choose to change the mental faculties of their baby like memory and intelligence (Sanded 1). This seems like something out of a science fiction movie but with our rapidly increasing technology, it is definitely more than a possibility. The genetic engineering of humans can be the greatest thing to ever happen to us, however, such power can lead to corruption and cause us to re gress as beings. Are we trying to make the world a better place for each other or are we Just making the world more superficial or should I say artificial?That's the main question that is asked as the intriguing issue of human genetic engineering is further evaluated. Human Genetic Engineering: Where to Draw the Line Perfection is something that human beings really haven't been able to relate to very well, but thanks to our rapidly advancing technology, that could all change. Human genetic engineering may be the breakthrough we need to tear down the walls that keep us from being perfect. However, there are many questions that need to be answered and things that need to be considered before we attempt to break through the walls.For instance, what if those walls are there for a reason? What if those walls aren't supposed to be torn down? Maybe they are there to protect us from perfection or perhaps protect perfection from us. A disease-free world sounds good to everyone but what about a world where parents can actually design their own child? What if not only the sex of the baby could be chosen by parents but also the hair color, eye color, intelligence, and even their talents (Sanded 1)? This is the path that human genetic engineering is leading us to; however, our main concern should be where that path will end.Human genetic engineering should be used only to cure diseases or other disabilities and not to the extent where we start treating human life like a computer game. We all should strive to be perfect but we should also have a certain level of respect for life and the lessons it teaches us. Otherwise our quest for perfection will only lead us into destruction. Jacqueline Vaughn Sister's article Assistance and Treatment is about the struggle disabled people go through to fit into society. They are stereotyped as pitiful and pathetic and they are often discriminated against (Sweeter 3).There seems to be a prevailing belief in our society where people who ar e â€Å"in need of charity are thought to be incapable of living the same life as others†(Sweeter 3). Because of these beliefs and stereotypes, the progress to fully include the handicapped in American life made even more difficult (Sweeter 3). The disabled are a minority group and they have fought hard to be recognized as one, however, there's no doubt that if every handicap had a choice they would choose not to be handicapped whether they were being treated equally or not.No one would miss being blind or being deaf. That's why Sweeter, who is raising awareness for the discrimination of handicapped, would agree with the argument that the use of genetic engineering should be limited to curing diseases and disabilities. The cruelty shown towards the handicapped is the exact reason why we shouldn't allow parents to design their children. It will Just leave us with more inequality because our human nature tends not to show humility and respect for those who are less advantaged than us.Jack Donnelley article The Concept of Human Rights explains how humans can have rights naturally. Human rights are supposed to be equal rights (Donnelly 2). Therefore every human being has the same rights (Donnelly 2), but how does this work when relating to children. On one episode of the Steve Wilkes show, there was a transgender man who was upset about being born a woman because his parents decided to go through with a gender selection operation despite being told that he would have more male hormones than female hormones.So this man felt that his rights were violated even though he was still unborn and he's right. You can't force any human to go through a completely unnecessary procedure, so why would the rules change if they're your own kid? Are kids not human too? Parents are supposed to make decisions for the better of their children but this was Just an act of selfishness. Donnelly would agree with the argument that genetic engineering shouldn't be allowed to the ext ent that parents can design their own kids for that very reason. It's unethical, irresponsible, and potentially harmful to the child.Melvin Sooner's article Genetic Enhancement Should Be Left to Personal Choice is about why human genetic engineering should be a personal choice like getting breast implants or taking steroids (Conner 3). He argues that â€Å"there's no intrinsic preference between inserting genes and inserting steroids†(Conner 2). People are always finding ways to enhance life and this is Just another way to do it. He does agree, however, that â€Å"the weightiest moral problem in the quest for perfection is that, it increases inequality' but that doesn't mean we shouldn't complete the quest (Conner 7).Antibiotics at one point were being used irresponsibly, but â€Å"the ethical path is not to stop using them but to use them more Judiciously' (Conner 7). Conner would disagree with the argument that human genetic engineering shouldn't be allowed to the extent that parents can design their babies because he takes a very liberal approach on this issue. The problem with his argument is that he fails to understand that the quest for perfection involves eliminating inequality, not increasing it.If we are increasing inequality, all we're doing is backtracking on the progress we've made as human beings and that's not what we want. Michael Sandal's article Genetically Designing Babies is Unethical explains why human genetic engineering shouldn't be allowed at all. He argues that â€Å"changing our nature to fit the world rather than the other way around is an ethical defeat†and an attack on our freedom (Sanded 6). He looks back at the dark history of eugenics and how it was the driving force behind the Nazi holocaust (Sanded 1).It was done to eliminate all of whom the Nazis considered as undesirables. Sanded argues that in the same way, â€Å"the successful would be even more likely than they are now to see themselves as self-made and self-sufficient, and those at the bottom of society would be seen not as disadvantaged, but simply as unfit†(Sanded 6). Sanded would disagree with the argument that human genetic engineering should be allowed to a certain extent because he is against the whole idea of genetic engineering. What he fails to realize in his argument is that as human beings, we have an obligation to improve our lives.If we can have a cure for the flu or for bronchitis, why not have a cure for blindness, ATA Cash disease, or any other sickness or disability that doctors can do nothing about? Human genetic engineering should only be allowed for use in the medical field to cure diseases and disabilities and not to the point where human life becomes a game. Genetic engineering is a scientific concern, but without boundaries t becomes a moral concern. Life is the most sacred thing anyone can have and it needs to be approached with caution and respect.It is also a great teacher and one of the main lesso ns it tries to teach us is humility. Humility involves accepting others for who they are and plays a key role when it comes to our relationships. When you think about what really matters in life, family and relationships with others tend to come up first which is really no coincidence. The purpose of life seems to be to lift up those around us and genetically designing babies will do the exact opposite of that. Parents who would choose to do this are doing it for cynical and selfish purposes.They are taking the child's freedom away so they can satisfy their own desires and out of those desires will come corruption. That's why a line needs to be drawn about to what extent human genetic engineering can be used. With great power comes great responsibility, so this is something we really can't afford to play around with. If genetic engineering to cure diseases becomes almost accessible as the flu shot, we will be that much closer on our quest to perfection. One day we will get through t hat all, but it's going to take one brick at a time.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
The Communication Phenomena: Ideas and Definitions
It is acceptable then to say a definition of communication phenomena is the exchange of thoughts and ideas that are observable or observed and takes place In remarkable or arc There isn't a more powerful example of a communication phenomenon in modern times than the coloratura evolution that has been brought on by the advent Of the mobile telephone. Beginning with the bulky, primitive models of the past and continuing on with today's advanced smartness, this communication phenomenon has not only had a significant impact on the urban lifestyle, it has also reshaped the urban landscape.Small group communication, a subfield within the broad field of communication, has been changed significantly in large urban cities because of the mobile telephone. In the times before that technology was available, it was a challenge for an individual to acquire basic information such as the location of the closest bus stop that is still operating in the direction they need to go or even what time the n ext bus will arrive. This difficulty was amplified if the individual was alone and could not find anyone else to ask, as commonly happens during the late night & early morning hours.Equipped with a data enabled smartened, an individual simply loads an application or visits a mobile website to find out he basic information they wanted. Additionally, detailed information is available such as GAPS map and navigation data, weather information along the route or even if a particular store along the way has something they are interested in on sale. Even if an individual doesn't have a complex smart phone there's a good chance the information will be available via voice- response systems.Another communication phenomenon that is taking place in both urban centers and rural areas is changes in the efficiency and scope of public address communication systems. Historically, whenever the need arose to communicate information rapidly to a large group of people it was handled in traditional ways. Depending on the time period those methods ranged from men on horses with bullhorns, smoke signals, sirens, radio and eventually broadcast television. While they were considered effective for their time, those methods had varying weaknesses.Some suffered from large coverage area gaps while others relied on the target audience being within close proximity to the source of the announcement. Mobile telephones have enabled instantaneous nationwide communication via voice and text messaging for the first time in history. Even after satellite technology allowed for nationwide television broadcasts, nothing has been able to specifically target groups of individuals across such vast land areas as quickly and efficiently as mobile telephones are able to.United States national security has even been bolstered by the newly created Presidential Alert System. Amazingly the President and other designated individuals can compose a message and send it to almost every single smartened in less than 5 minutes. One might think that modern methods of communication using advanced smart devices have caused the biggest communication phenomena in recent decades. However that title has been earned by the first generations of cellular phones that were adopted very quickly by society after they were born in the AT&T Labs in 1983.Even though they were bulky and the very early models even had separate battery packs, they allowed mankind to finally â€Å"cut the cord†thus creating a communication phenomenon so large that caused a technological and social paradigm shift which changed how unmans interact forever. An interesting side-effect of this digital revolution is the negative interpersonal communications phenomena that occur. Prior to information being so easily accessible and available, people communicated verbally with one another in almost every situation in their day to day lives.Word of mouth was a very common way information was spread. It was not uncommon to barely be ab le to hear yourself think over the din of conversation anywhere people would congregate such as subway cars, train stations and even busy street corners. Now most people rely on their devices and new media sources for the same information they would get from verbal communication with other people or print media like newspapers.It's an almost eerie sight to be on a packed subway car where the only noise you hear is the clicking and notification sounds of smartness supplying the masses with the information they so desire. Occasionally though, as if the energy of times past was able to manifest itself, there will be an event significant enough to cause many people on that train to be notified at once. Then you start to hear muffled conversation confirming the information with a fellow passenger. That muffled verbal communication quickly turns into an all-out discussion of the event.For a brief period of time it's as if the devices didn't exist, however almost as quickly as it started, the passengers realize that they want more information and grow silent as they head back to their various digital streams of information. Utilizing the Non research methods of quasi-experiments & pre-experiments from our textbook, there are several different ways to explore how the communications phenomena that mobile loopholes have created effects the process and outcome of scenarios in daily life.Using the quasi-experiment method, which uses pre-tests to see where subjects are in reference to the variables tested, our two subjects are both in a large city around BPML and have to locate a bus Stop where they can catch a bus heading in their required direction of travel. Subject A has a smartened with all the current technology such as GAPS sensors, navigation technology and a â€Å"Find my Bus†type application provided by the local transportation authority. Subject B has no cell phone or means to communicate outside of the people and places in her immediate vicinity.They ar e both less than a mile away from a bus stop in a safe well-lit area that will get them a direct bus to their destination. Subject A is in their office getting ready to leave for the day. They decide they want to stop at a restaurant on their way home and get some take-out food for dinner and surprise their family. In order to accomplish this goal, they simply take out their smartened and enter in the destination addresses of their home and the assistant.The application(s) plot the locations of all relevant bus stops that are close along with the connecting bus information when they reach the restaurant. Simple walking directions are also provided in relation to their location. Since the closest bus stop is only a 10 minute walk away they are able to stay in their office until right before they have to head out, When the time comes they leave their office and have an uneventful walk to the bus stop and make it to the restaurant on time to pick up the food and make it to their connec ting bus home.
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