Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Macbeth Character Analysis Essay Example For Students
Macbeth Character Analysis Essay Outline1 Introduction1.1 Ambition1.2 The real Macbeth1.2.1 Lack of good integrity1.2.1.1 Motivated by odd notion Presentation The tale of Macbeth was composed by Shakespeare during the rule of King James. Macbeth’s examination is plagued with voracious aspiration and wrongdoing. He had some positive characteristics at the beginning of the play, inside the feeling that he was good, faithful and valiant. His boldness was the explanation he was given the task to shield ruler and nation. Be that as it may, the expectation of the 3 Witches and the overbearing impact and desire Lady Macbeth drove him to nurture malicious wishes against the seat, which in the long run makes him murder the ruler and rise the seat. In any case, he languished over his activity that an outcome since his life was loaded up with struggle and gore. He is a mind boggling character. He was never truly satisfied with the moves he made, and they brought him anguish, resting confusion and mental trips. Also, it astounding that Shakespeare utilized the witches to feature Macbeth’s character defect even when they were being pursued and executed by King James. Desire Macbeth had some honorable characteristics and a few defects. What genuinely terminated his desire was the satisfaction of the prescience of the 3 witches that he will be made Thane of Cawdor. He was really a lowlife, and he was not temperate either. Since needed good uprightness he was handily determined by desire, ravenousness, and reliability to his life partner, and enticed to submit murder to satisfy that unquenchable aspiration. The 3 witches is an image of his aspiration. What's more, that they helped in him in completing his considerations, in light of the fact that as the idea of killing lord had happened to him previously, for instance, this statement ‘’What monster was then that made you break this undertaking to me,’’ verification the acknowledgment of his aspiration. Macbeth had the conviction that he will be delegated lord just precisely the way ruler made him Thane of Cawdor, however from the very time when Malcolm was named the ruler replacement, he chose to kill the lord to accomplish his point. The genuine Macbeth THE REAL MACBETH: In all that he did, he demonstrated that his place was in fight, as opposed to the interests and legislative issues that encompassed the seat.  Macbeth was an influential man, yet he incredibly needed the fundamental aptitudes expected to run the show. Macbeth character investigation exposition shows that because of his dictator nature he was inclined to react to each circumstance and the issue with murder and brutality, rather than discretion that is extraordinarily expected to run the show. He was a man appropriate for the front line, his quality and powers as a military general made him win fights. In spite of how incredible and valiant he was, he couldn't bear the results which followed his various barbarities. At the point when the 3 witches anticipated that he will be above all else, it brought him incredible joy, and simultaneously internal clash. All through the story, Macbeth was messed with self-question. Macbeth’s character is remarkable as in however he was viewed as amazing, solid and fearless, yet he nearly prematurely ended the demonstration slaughtering of the lord because of stress, yet for Lady’s Macbeth solid impact caused him to proceed to execute the ruler. Absence of good trustworthiness CHARACTER FLAWS: Macbeth’s character investigation shows that because of his desire, his ethics dove exceptionally low, that even a portion of his foes have this to state about him ‘’Who then will accuse his pester’d sense to force and start when all that is inside him does censure itself for being there.? He needed sympathy for others, his lone consideration was what individuals would think about him. The 3 Witches predictions just assisted with awakening the absence of ethical quality in him. As the play advances, his character imperfections eclipsed the other great characteristics he had toward the start. .u43a34b7a16615d156ac75d297ac6dc70 , .u43a34b7a16615d156ac75d297ac6dc70 .postImageUrl , .u43a34b7a16615d156ac75d297ac6dc70 .focused content region { min-tallness: 80px; position: relative; } .u43a34b7a16615d156ac75d297ac6dc70 , .u43a34b7a16615d156ac75d297ac6dc70:hover , .u43a34b7a16615d156ac75d297ac6dc70:visited , .u43a34b7a16615d156ac75d297ac6dc70:active { border:0!important; } .u43a34b7a16615d156ac75d297ac6dc70 .clearfix:after { content: ; show: table; clear: both; } .u43a34b7a16615d156ac75d297ac6dc70 { show: square; change: foundation shading 250ms; webkit-progress: foundation shading 250ms; width: 100%; mistiness: 1; progress: obscurity 250ms; webkit-change: darkness 250ms; foundation shading: #95A5A6; } .u43a34b7a16615d156ac75d297ac6dc70:active , .u43a34b7a16615d156ac75d297ac6dc70:hover { haziness: 1; change: murkiness 250ms; webkit-change: haziness 250ms; foundation shading: #2C3E50; } .u43a34b7a16615d156ac75d297ac6dc70 .focused content region { width: 100%; position: relative; } .u43a34b7a16615d156ac75d297ac6dc70 .ctaText { outskirt base: 0 strong #fff; shading: #2980B9; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: striking; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; text-enrichment: underline; } .u43a34b7a16615d156ac75d297ac6dc70 .postTitle { shading: #FFFFFF; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: 600; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; width: 100%; } .u43a34b7a16615d156ac75d297ac6dc70 .ctaButton { foundation shading: #7F8C8D!important; shading: #2980B9; fringe: none; outskirt sweep: 3px; box-shadow: none; text dimension: 14px; textual style weight: intense; line-stature: 26px; moz-outskirt range: 3px; text-adjust: focus; text-design: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-tallness: 80px; foundation: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/modules/intelly-related-posts/resources/pictures/straightforward arrow.png)no-rehash; position: outright; right: 0; top: 0; } .u43a34b7a16615d156ac75d297ac6dc70:hover .ctaButton { foundation shading: #34495E!important; } .u43a34b7a16615d15 6ac75d297ac6dc70 .focused content { show: table; stature: 80px; cushioning left: 18px; top: 0; } .u43a34b7a16615d156ac75d297ac6dc70-content { show: table-cell; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; cushioning right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-adjust: center; width: 100%; } .u43a34b7a16615d156ac75d297ac6dc70:after { content: ; show: square; clear: both; } READ: Why the Death Penalty Should Be Abolished EssayThe beginning recognition that he is a fearless and amazing fighter is decreased by the way that he was profoundly impacted and controlled by Lady Macbeth. He indicated incredible quality and mental fortitude toward the start of the play however capitulated to his wife’s addressing of his courage and manliness. He is an interesting character that is totally loaded up with logical inconsistencies. He had goodness toward the start of the play yet came up short on the ethical uprightness to understand that he was being pressured by his significant other and oppose the craving for p ower. Roused by strange notion  Macbeth is a valiant and gallant general, yet absence of good uprightness made it simple for him to be propelled by odd notion. These notions frequented him and powered his aspiration, and transformed him into an ethical quitter.  His solid and amazing creative mind was what really drove him to be defenseless to strange notion. The notion made him a casualty to the impact of the 3 witches, yet in the play, we saw that his companion Banquo questioned their expectations and validity. He lost is brave status and gone to a miscreant since he accepted the forecasts of the witches. The notion pushed him to the point that he overlooked his inner voice and thought about homicide as the main alternative. At the point when he offered the expression ‘’I go, and it is finished. The ringer welcomes me.’’ It demonstrates that he has acknowledged the intensity of the witches over his fate. His faith in odd notion persuaded that a demonstration of homicide was the best way to accomplish his aspiration.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Making Ethical Decisions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Settling on Ethical Decisions - Essay Example What is the issue? The issue looked by the director is to decide whether it is to be sure the best choice to terminate the worker dependent on non-appearance and client grumblings versus the employee’s ownership of individual temperances of trustworthiness and not taking. 2. What are your other options? The elective approaches are: (1) fire the representative; (2) give the worker an admonition or censure contingent upon the quantity of unlucky deficiencies and client grumblings; (3) counsel the company’s code of control that should manage the chief on suitable game-plans relying upon infringement of organization arrangements; (4) sit idle. 3. What are the impacts of every other option? Terminating the worker without noble motivation will subject the director under lawful protests for damaging work laws, particularly if the representative is a changeless representative. Giving the representative an admonition or censure, contingent upon the quantity of unlucky deficienci es or client objections would make the worker mindful that administration doesn't endure his wastefulness in his working conduct. This would likewise allow the worker to improve his exhibition. Counseling the company’s code of order would guarantee that the representative knows the punishments for his nonattendances and the administrator would actualize the choice relying upon what organization strategies state. At long last, by sitting idle, the representative would not get the opportunity to enhance his working execution. 4.
Thursday, August 6, 2020
Reacting to Minimalism
Reacting to Minimalism How might your life be better with less? Thats the question we will attempt to answer in our upcoming Netflix docuspecial, Less Is Now, the follow-up to our popular documentary, Minimalism. The Minimalists and director Matt DAvella are filming the final scenes for Less Is Now, and to add a few different perspectives, were going to interview a dozen people who were profoundly affected by our first film. If that sounds like you, and youd like to be considered for our new docuspecial, please record a short video on your phone that includes the following: Start with, Hello, my name is [NAME] from [CITY, STATE]. How did you feel after you first watched Minimalism? In what ways, big or small, has simplifying changed your life? Can you tell us about a significant struggle in your life that challenged you emotionally? The video can be solo or with your family, and it should be three minutes or less (longer videos wont be viewed). You must live in Southern California or be willing to travel to Los Angeles for an interview on March 14, 2020. Please send your video submissions to [emailprotected] with Less Is Now Submission in the subject line. Deadline: Sunday, March 8, 2020, 2 PM ET. Exciting times! Subscribe to The Minimalists via email.
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Popular Media Focus On Human Sexuality - 1568 Words
Running Head: Scholarly vs. Popular Media Focus on Human Sexuality – Sexual Orientation Scholarly vs. Popular Media Focus on Human Sexuality Sexual Orientation GRIGOR OGANESYAN American Public University Leslie Griffin – CHFD220 Scholarly vs. Popular Media Focus on Human Sexuality – Sexual Orientation Scholar Article: Studies and research performed by biologists, neurologists, psychologists and geneticists, noted are the researchers who took the opportunity to analyze behavior in all sorts of environments. The studies conducted used a wide array of individuals, brother-sister, brother-brother and twins. Throughout the article, majority of the focus caters to homosexual men in relation and comparison to†¦show more content†¦(3) Interestingly, statistics show that the mothers’ side of the family has a greater influence on gender orientation rather than the fathers. Also noted that over 65% of the candidates who identified as homosexual, their mothers either had none or only one live brother. (4) Comparing myself to this, my mother only has one brother! Media Article: The article dives into the gay gene’; a gene where individuals had hoped that would be the answer to peoples orientation. While scientists have found some new information regarding chromosomes and genetics, there still is no simple answer that reassures anyone that there is a single gay gene that defines their orientation. Scholarly vs. Popular Media Focus on Human Sexuality – Sexual Orientation Instead, Alan Sanders (Director of Behavior Genetics Unit at North Shore University), emphasizes that there is more than just one gene, he believes there to be more than a single gene that determines a persons orientation. Mentioned is the chromosome Xq28 which is the region where scientists believe plays a key role in determining orientation, they found that 33 out of 40 brothers who were gay had similar inherited genes for chromosome Xq28. However, Bailey s study on inherited genes is variable and limited, it does not explain the entirety of how sexualShow MoreRelated Humor Should Replace Sex in Media Advertising Essay1601 Words  | 7 PagesSex in Advertising    In todays society, we as consumers are exposed to media on a daily basis. Beginning the day with a glance at the daily newspaper and finishing the evening with a television program, the average person cannot escape the clutches of the media in its seemingly endless forms. 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The highly convincingRead MoreChanging Environment Of Women s Rights And The Paradox Of Sexual Freedom1458 Words  | 6 PagesChanging Environment in relation to sex and relationshi Although the popular talk of women rights and freedom in the society does help women in certain degree to develop a sense of control and success in recent years, the topics of sex and relationships remain controversial and shameful to talk about. In â€Å"Selections from Hard to Get: Twenty-something Women and the Paradox of Sexual Freedom†, Leslie Bell discovers in her experiments and interviews that despite the choices of freedom and explorationRead MoreDisadvantages Of Sex Education1734 Words  | 7 Pages skills and motivation to make healthy decisions about sex and initially assists with determining their individual sexuality. Unfortunately, when most students are done with sex education classes, they do not have a clear understanding of contraception and safe sex practices and the benefits they allow for. 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The common practice of essentializing gender based on biological sex characteristics ultimately led to the discontentment many housewives of the time were experiencing in their socially assigned roles. Friedan argued that many women attempted to ease their frustrations and obtain fulfillment through their sexuality. The themes are inextricablyRead MoreEssay about Sexuality, Ideologies, and Gender Roles in Advertising1937 Words  | 8 PagesFor as long as advertising and mass media have been around, so has their incorporation of sexuality and ideologies. Day after day we are plastered by articles, images, and audible forms of advertising. I would estimate that the average person encounters between fifteen hundred and three thousand forms of advertising each and every day. Of those fifteen hundred to three thousand, it would be safe to say that more than two thirds of them portray sexuality and socially constructed ideals. Men, women
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
John Kasich Bio - 2016 Presidential Candidate
John Kasich is a career politician who served as a state legislator, member of the U.S. House of Representatives and governor of Ohio. He is seeking the Republican presidential nomination in the 2016 election and, though considered an underdog to both Ted Cruz and Donald Trump, is one of the three remaining candidates in the primary race. Related Story: What is Election Day? Kasich sought the presidency once before, in the 2000 election, and referred to himself as the Jolt Cola  a highly caffeinated soft drink â€â€Ã‚ of that years field of Republican candidates because of his high-energy style and penchant for wearing sneakers to work. But he later withdrew from the primary race. Political Career Kasichs political career includes positions in both state and federal government. Heres a timeline: 1975 to 1977: Served as administrative assistant in the Ohio state Senate. 1979 to 1983: Elected to the Ohio state legislature at age 26 and served one four-year term in the state Senate. 1983 to 2001: Election to the U.S. House of Representatives in 1982 and served nine two-year terms. During his tenure in the House and served as chairman of the Committee on the Budget. Kasich retired from the House to reinvent himself. You got to know when to hold em, you got to know when to fold em, and you got to know when to renew yourself, he said at the time. 1999: Briefly sought the Republican nomination for president before dropping out and endorsing eventual nominee and 2000 election winner George W. Bush. The problem was last time that I had this jet airplane ready to take off but I didnt have any gas for it. It never got into the air, Kasich later told CNN. 2011 to present: Governor of Ohio, serving his second four-year term. July 2015 to present: Seeking the Republican nomination for president in 2016. Professional Career Kasich worked in private finance after leaving Congress in January 2001. He worked as a managing director in the Investment Banking Division of Lehman Brothers. He was appeared as a political commentator on FOX News. Kasich is the author of three books: Courage is Contagious; Stand for Something: The Battle for America’s Soul; and Every Other Monday. Related Story: 5 Presidents Who Wrote Books Before Being Elected Campaign for President in 2016 Kasich, though a career politician, sought to appeal to voters who prefer outsiders. He has repeatedly claimed Washington knows little about solving the countrys problems. I think we ought to run the country from the bottom up rather than the top down, he says. He began his campaign for president as an extreme long shot in a field of 16 candidates, including former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, who at one time was considered the front-runner for the nomination. But most of the candidates ran out of money, enthusiasm or patience with voters who propelled Trump toward the nomination amid an anti-establishment fervor in the primaries. By March 2016, it was a three-man race, and Kasich was portraying himself as the common-sense, or more moderate, conservative to Cruz, who suggested impeaching Democratic President Barack Obama would be legitimate, and Trump, whose political philosophies perplexed many in both major parties. Kasich was also seen as having the most experience of any of the candidates, given his work in the statehouse and in Congress. Democrats, however, point out that Kasich is solidly opposed to abortion rights. States his campaign: During his 18 years in Congress, John Kasich consistently opposed federal funding of abortion and voted to ban partial-birth abortions. As Governor of Ohio, he has enacted more measures to protect unborn children than any other governor in the history of the state, including bans on late-term abortions and bans on elective abortions in public hospitals. Related Story: The 2016 Field of Republicans Was the Largest in 100 Years Many in the Republican establishment became upset with Kasich, however, over his refusal to drop out of the Republican primaries even after it became clear he could not win enough delegates to secure the presidential nomination. Critics believed Kasich was undermining Republican U.S. Sen. Ted Cruzs ability to stop presumptive nominee Donald Trumps march to victory in the primaries by splitting the anti-Trump vote two ways.  One of the most notable efforts to persuade Kasich to abandon his bid for the nomination, or to persuade voters to abandon him, came from the conservative anti-tax group Club for Growth. The group spent $1 million on a television ad attacking Kasich. The ad, titled Math, points out Kasich couldnt win the nomination and went on to claim his candidacy was fueling Trumps success. If you dont want Donald Trump to win, your choice comes down to this: math. Only Ted Cruz can beat Donald Trump. John Kasich cant do it. The math wont work. A vote for Kasich actually helps Trump by dividing the opposition. Its time to put differences aside. To stop Trump, vote for Cruz. Kasich, however, maintained that he could win the nomination by blocking Trump from securing the necessary delegates before the Republican National Convention in Cleveland, Ohio, and by appealing to mainstream members of the party at a contested, or brokered, convention. As crazy as this year is  theres no one here who would say this isn’t nuts  can you think about anything cooler than a [contested] convention?†Kasich argued at the Conservative Political Action Conference in March of 2016. Nonetheless, the strategy was considered the longest of long shots and angered members of the Republican establishment who were trying to stop Trump. Key Issues Kasich made job creation, health care and student debt key components of his campaign and attempted to set himself apart from the other Republican candidates by portraying America as still being great. The sun is rising, and the sun is going to rise to the zenith in America again, I promise you, Kasich said in announcing his candidacy in July 2015. His campaign has focused more on economic issues, rather than social issues such as gay marriage, where he appears to be far more moderate than most Republican presidential candidates. While stressing he believes in traditional marriage between a man and woman, Kasich has also said: Because somebody doesn’t think the way I do doesn’t mean that I can’t care about them or I can’t love them ... Issues like that are planted to divide us ... We need to give everybody a chance, treat everybody with respect, and let them share in this great American dream that we have. Political Accomplishments As governor of Ohio, Kasich takes credit for eliminating projected state budget shortfalls  including an $8 billion projected deficit  while reducing taxes since taking office in 2011. He promotes his efforts to cut wasteful spending and eliminate government red tape. He also takes credit for Ohios â€Å"stable†credit outlook among the major ratings agencies. I took the state of Ohio from an $8 billion hole †¦ to a $2 billion surplus, Kasich was fond of saying on the 2016 campaign trail. He claims his administration was also responsible for the creation of 350,000 jobs and issuing the largest statewide tax cuts in history, totaling $5 billion. Education Kasich attended public schools in Ohio and earned a bachelor of arts degree in political science from Ohio State University in 1974. Personal Life John Richard Kasich was born in McKees Rocks, a small borough near Pittsburgh in Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, on May 13, 1952. He is the oldest of three children. He considered becoming a Catholic priest before entering politics. Kasich lives in Westerville, Ohio, a suburb of Columbus. He is married to Karen Waldbillig Kasich. The couple have twin daughters, Emma and Reese. How You Pronounce Kasich Kasichs last name is often mispronounced. The ch is hard at the end of his last name, meaning Kasich rhymes with basic.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Inflation Free Essays
There are various ways for the employees to voice out their dissatisfaction_ One of the ways is by using picketing. Under section 40 of Industrial Relation Act allow workers to attend at or near their workplace when they have a trade dispute. The purpose of picketing are communicate issues to the public and members the employers. We will write a custom essay sample on Inflation or any similar topic only for you Order Now Picketing also held at lunch time, and before or after working hours. Picketing is enforceable by law as long as it must not intimidate anyone. Must not obstruct the entrance or exit the organization. 3. Summarization National Union of Bank employees (NUMB) held another picket on the issue for discriminating its Muslim employees and also In support with the 27 employees that have been sacked by the bank. The picket was held at Clan Tuna Appear. The Muslim employees had been discriminated by disallowed them from performing their prayers in the office by the management. They had been sacked because they did not agree to transferred to other branches. They had been discussed with the upper management but no action taken by the authorities to settle the Issues. They will intone to fight for the workers until Hong Leone Bank reinstate the sacked 27 employees. The Mole when contacted with Shirring Oarsman officer of Hong Leone Bank stated that the fact of disallowed Muslim employees was untrue statement. They are not allowed because sugar Is located In a secured area as they were not the staff of the branches and they just only the NUMB members. No one is allowed to entered into a secured area as it has been a standard security policy of any financial institution. She also stated that its staff had been allowed to perform their prayers thou any prejudice. 33 Mall Issues The Issues arises Is discriminates Its Muslim employees by disallowed them to perform their prayers at Sugar. As the officer offing Leone state that the Muslim employees is not the staff of Hong Leone Bank. Many negotiations had been taken by the employees but all the negotiations is not success because there Is no action taken by them. The Muslim officials In the Human Resource Ministry,the Government and the authorities failed to protect Islam and Muslim employees. Besides that, 27 employees in the Hong Leone Bank were sacked because they did to agree to be transferred to other branches. 3. 4 Background Issue Among 300 of NUMB members held a picket at Clan Tuna Appear regarding to the Issues of discriminating Muslim employees by disallowed them to perform their Solar at Sugar and over 27 employees were sacked. This is because Sugar is located at the secured area. It is a security standard policy no one can entered into that area except for the staff of Hong Leone Bank. The officer of Hong Leone Bank state that they are not the Hong Leone Bank but they are NUMB members. Abdul Jamie as Vice President f Numb members reiterated the statement that Numb members are also the Hong Leone Employees. During the time of 2 December until 18 December they are still under Hong Leone employment. NUMB General Secretary enforce Balance Ministry to take legal action for these discrimination. Hong Leone Bank cannot said that NUMB members is not Hong Lemon’s employees. Besides that, over 27 employees were 1 OFF discussions were held but none of the ministry take action over these issues. Tan stated that the transfer is necessary to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of Hong Leone Bank. 3. 5 Analysis Many of the Numb members held a pickets to ensure that their dissatisfaction can being heard by the public. Among the issues arises is the discrimination towards Muslim employees. Muslim employees had been disallowed to perform their prayer at the Sugar. Department of Labor will remind the employers the right of Muslim employees. Besides that over 27 employees were sacked. Their termination is not valid without a valid reasons as they disagree to transfer to other branches and then they were sacked. For the dismissal of the contract the employers should at least give notice of termination. Under section 12 of Employment Act 1955 state that, Either party to a contract of service may at any time give to the other party notice of his intention to terminate such contract of service. In the Industrial Relation Act section 20 provides machinery for an employers to dismissed its employees. The employees can make claims if they believe their termination is without a valid reasons. If the Court agree that their termination is without a valid reasons under section 14 of the Employment act 1955,then the Court will reinstated their termination. 3. 6 Recommendation The company may used Conciliation to solve their problems. By using third party as a conciliator. Conciliator is one of the officer of Department of Industrial Relation. The conciliator will meet the both parties whether separately or Jointly. The conciliator will briefing the problems and help the parties to achieves mutual agreement. This way can be used if the negotiations is not useful. The conciliator will give the recommendations and advice. 3. Conclusion Discrimination on the Muslim employees should be stopped by the government. Under article 11 of the Federal Constitution state that every person have the right to practice their own religion and to propagate it. The employer has no right to obstruct Muslim employees to perform their prayers. Regarding the issues of termination without valid reason is void. As it contravene with the Employment Act. The employer must give a notice of a services before dismiss their employees. If the issues can be settled it would create harmonious work environment. How to cite Inflation, Papers Inflation Free Essays The cost of inflation depends on two cases; perfectly anticipated inflation and unanticipated inflation. Anticipated inflation is defined when individuals are able to make accurate predictions of inflation, they can take steps to protect themselves from its effects. Also, trade unions might use their bargaining power to negotiate for increases in money wages to protect the real wages of union members. We will write a custom essay sample on Inflation or any similar topic only for you Order Now Households may want to switch savings into accounts offering a higher rate of interest or into other financial assets where capital gains might exceed price inflation. Businesses can adjust their prices and lenders can adjust interest rates. However, businesses may also seek to hedge against future price movements by transacting in â€Å"forward markets†. For example, many airlines such as Bahamas-Air may buy their fuel months in advance as a protection or ‘hedge’ against fluctuations in world oil prices. In Contrast, When inflation is unanticipated, individuals do not realize that they should protect their real purchasing power against a rising price level until the price level has already risen and their real purchasing power has already fallen. In this instance, there will be gainers and losers, in terms of purchasing power, from the inflation. In general, unanticipated inflation causes a misallocation of resources. Firms, unions, banks, will push prices and wages up. Those who can do it best will cause a misallocation of resources. For example suppose workers at manufacturing companies in the Bahamas wage increases, and public employees don’t. Then, resources (labor) will be reallocated due to the relative market power of the different workers. But more importantly, lenders such as Banks will lose with respect to borrowers, giving individuals an incentive to borrow. For instance, when Bahamian people take out mortgages in order to buy houses at fixed interest rates, they end up aying back less in real terms than they had contracted for, wealth is then redistributed from banks and other financial institutions to homeowners with mortgages. In relative terms, borrowing becomes cheaper than paying in cash. Another example would be if individuals who retire on pensions that are fixed in nominal amount will find the values of those pensions in terms of the goods they buy eroded as years pass, in this case the redistribution is from pensioners to the owners of insurance companies and other financial institutions that have contracted to pay them fixed dollar amounts. Alternatively, individuals have the incentive to spend now before the price level rises further. This however, will push prices up even faster, and may cause the inflation rate to accelerate and if uncertainty continue to increase, consumers and investors become less certain about the future, as prices rise in an unanticipated fashion. They may change their pattern of spending, and be less willing to undertake projects that take a long time to payoff. The Costs of Hyperinflation. Hyperinflation is define when the prices of most goods and services skyrocket, usually more than 50% a month. It usually starts when a country’s Federal government begins printing money to pay for fiscal spending. As the money supply increases, prices creep up as in regular inflation. However, instead of tightening the money supply to lower inflation, the government keeps printing more money to pay for spending. Once consumers realize what is happening, they expect intlation. T causes them to buy more now to avoid paying a higher price later. This boosts demand, causing inflation to spiral out of control. The only winners in hyperinflation are those who borrowed before the hyperinflation. Fortunately, the Bahamas have ever experienced hyperinflation but other countries such as Germany and Zimbabwe has. But if the Bahamas was to experience hyperinflation like Germany, the consumers can expect 1 . Inflation Expectations and Wage Demands: Price increases lead to higher wage demands as people try to maintain their real living standards. This process is known as a Wage-price spiral’. 2. Arbitrary Re-Distributions of Income: Inflation tends to hurt people in Jobs with poor bargaining positions in the labour market – for example people in low paid Jobs with little or no trade union protection may see the real value of their pay fall. Inflation can also favour borrowers at the expense of savers as inflation erodes the real value of existing debts. 3. Business Planning and Investment: Inflation can disrupt business planning. Budgeting becomes difficult because of the uncertainty created by rising inflation of both prices and costs – and this may reduce planned investment spending. 4. Competitiveness and Unemployment: Inflation is a possible cause of higher unemployment in the medium term if one country experiences a much higher rate of inflation than another, leading to a loss of international competitiveness and a subsequent worsening of their trade performance. How to cite Inflation, Papers
Friday, May 1, 2020
Compiled Property Plant and Equipment †Free Samples to Students
Question: Discuss about the Compiled Property Plant and Equipment. Answer: Introduction: Sunshine Limited is a large department store and was using straight line depreciation from the first since the company was formed. It is seen that for the year ended 2015 he anticipated that the profits will go higher and higher in 2016 and 2017 and then the researchers predicted that the profits will be lowered down in 2018 and 2019.By looking in to the research the manager thought that he could lower down the profits of 2016 and 2017 and transfer in to 2018 and 2019 when profits will be lowered down. He then went to the constant and discussed the matter and told her to do something so that he can implement his idea in t the financial statements. He is doing so because he wants to maintain consistency which would be missing if he wouldnt have implemented his idea as the profits was getting lowered down in 2017 and 2018. He wanted to keep his shareholders happy to keep consistently profits. The accountant did not find the advice justified but he would need to do that as she thought h er contract with the company wont get renewed if he would upset the general manager. After lots of permutation and combination she then decided to adopt the change of depreciation from straight line depreciation to sum of digits method.. The accountant Maria did not reveal this change in the records to the financial statements as she thought that the purpose given by Kim would leave a very bad impression about the company . Depreciation is the method by which the cost of the asset that is tangible is allocated over its useful life. For tax determinations, trades can deduct the price ofthe touchable assetsthey acquisition as expenses of the business; Infect, trades must denigrate these assets in accordance to the rule specified.For charging depreciation ,the asset should be put to use rather just installation of asset. In other arguments it can be said that when it is in the site and condition essential for it to be skillful of operative in the method intended by entity. The asset when held for sale cant be denigrated. When there is no production then the depreciation charge can be zero. The suitable life of an asset is well-defined in terms of the assets anticipated utility to the entity. The advantageous life of the asset can be smaller to it financial life. It is also known that the methods of depreciation should be assessed each year and any alteration should be accounted properl This is the most easiest form of scheming depreciation. It is intended by taking the cost of the asset minus any residual value divide by the useful life. The quanity of depreciation will be the same through the useful life. Double declining method When consuming the double-declining-balance method, the recover worth is not measured in important the annual deflation, but the asset book value being degraded is never approved below its salvage value, irrespective of the technique that is being used Sum-of-the-years'-digits is an accelerated method for calculating an asset's depreciation. This method takes in to consideration asset's predictable life and it sums up the all the digits of the life together., So if theassetwas expected to last for three years, The digits would be obtained by adding: 3 + 2 + 1 to get a total of 6 .The accountant is considering this method as it is said to be one of the most enhanced and fast-tracked method of depreciation as it takes more depreciation in the starting years and then it lowers down In this case , the profits were going to be lowered down for the year ended 2018 and 2019 so the manager wanted to transfer profits . It is not an ethical way to reduce the profits in the current year and transfer them. The period revenue should be allocated to the period neither it should be transferred or reduce it. It is a wrong adjustment that will be made in the financials. The accountant tend to change the depreciation method and was not wanting to disclose in the financial statement which is unethical and not accepted (Maxwell, 2017) AASB 116 contracts with property plant and Equipment This Standard shall be applied in accounting for property, plant and equipment except when extra Standard needs or licenses a dissimilar secretarial action. Any plant property and equipment held in the initiative for any type of sale. Any organic asset in relation to agriculture . In this case by going with the provisions of AASB 16, the standard recommends necessities for acknowledgement, dimension at recognition, measurement after appreciation, and DE recognition of possessions, plant and equipment assets The aim of this Standard is to recommend the accounting action forproperty, plant and equipmentso that the financial statement users can discern evidence about an entitys speculation in its property, plant and equipment with the changes in the investment they had made.The main matters in accounting for property, plant and equipment are the acknowledgement of the assets, the fortitude of theircarrying amountsand thedevaluationcharges with the impairment loses or gains related to them The depreciation technique used shall replicate the design in which the assets upcoming financial benefits are likely to be expended by the enterprise. The depreciation method that is been applied to and asset shall be checked and properly scrutinized by the assesse or the company at the end of each annual reporting period and any change in the consumption of the benefits arising in the future, the technique shall be altered to reflect the transformed pattern.Such an alteration shall be taken in to consideration for as a change in an secretarial estimate in respect to provision with AASB 108. A variety of methods can be used to calculate the depreciable amount over the useful life. It includes the straight line method, the diminishing method. The entity adopts the technique that most carefully reflects the predictable pattern of consumption of the future fiscal assistances personified in the investment in the asset. The depreciable amount is calculated after deducting the residual value Change in depreciation method is not a change in accounting policy instead its a change in accounting estimate with the change in accounting principle. Proper disclosures need to give in the notes of financial states regarding the change in the accounting method of depreciation , with the reasons of change with the difference in the amount of depreciation as compared to the previous year and also any type of deviation notified. the quantity of the change relating to periods earlier those obtainable, to the amount practicable if reconsidering submission is unviable, an clarification and explanation of how the change in secretarial strategy was functional (Compiled ASSB , 2017) Depreciation method change is the change in the accounting estimate The effect of the change in the estimate shall be properly put in to the financial statements and prospectively by including in profit or loss. We see that the change in the estimate will actuary change both asset and liabilities. Any disclosure which relates to the current period and also expected to give benefits in future periods need to be disclosed as per relevant provisions. With the nature and the amount of the change needs to be disclosed Also if the amount of the effect in the period in the future is not disclosed because estimation is not practicable the entity should also disclose the fact. The financial declarations should reveal the depreciation approaches used , the useful life of the asset and the measurement bases used for the gross carrying amount., any asset which is bought for selling and also the depreciation amount . Any alteration in technique of depreciation shall also be comprised in the tax audit report concerning why the change has occurred and also the amount of alteration with any details of nonconformity. The accountant is wrong in not disclosing the appropriate disclosures as she is responsible to disclose it according to the Standards of auditing. amount of the effecamot in future periods is not disclosed because estimating it is impracticable, an entity shall disclose that fact if the amount of the effect in future periods is not disclosed because estimating it is impracticable, an entity shall disclose that fact mount of the effect in future periods is not disclosed because estimating it is impracticable, an entity shall disclose that fact However, to the extent that a change in an accounting estimate gives rise to changes in assets and liabilities However, to the extent that a change in an accounting estimate gives rise to changes in assets and liabilities ever, to the extent that a change in an accounting estimate gives rise to changes in assets and liabilities. References Federal register (2017).AASB 116- Property plant and equipment. [online] Available at: https://www.legislation.gov.au/Details/F2005B00678 [Accessed 9th April. 2017]. Internet (2017)Sum of digits[online] Available at: https://interunet.com/sum-years%E2%80%99-digits-depreciation-advantages-disadvantages [Accessed 9th April. 2017]. Asset accounting (2017).AASB 116- Property plant and equipment. [online] Available at: https://www.sace.sa.edu.au/documents/652891/e3c3644b-109e-404a-af87-2a114bb6651e [Accessed 9th April. 2017]. Maxwell ,AB (2017).AASB 116- Property plant and equipment. [online] Available at: https://www.coalface.com.au/PDFs/AASB116.pdf [Accessed 9th April. 2017].[4] Factsheet (2017).AASB 116- Property plant and equipment. [online] Available at: https://www.johnwiley.com.au/highered/aas2e/content029/fact_sheets/AASB116_ch10.pdf [Accessed 9th April. 2017] Compiled AASB (2017).AASB 116- Property plant and equipment. [online] Available at: https://www.aasb.gov.au/admin/file/content102/c3/AASB116_07-04_ERDRjun10_07-09.pdf [Accessed 9th April. 2017] Accounting explanation (2017).AASB 116- Sum of digits method. [online] Available at: https://www.accountingexplanation.com/sum_of_the_years_digits_method_of_depreciation.htm [Accessed 9th April. 2017]
Saturday, March 21, 2020
Biography of Aurangzeb, Emperor of Mughal India
Biography of Aurangzeb, Emperor of Mughal India Emperor Aurangzeb of Indias Mughal Dynasty (November 3, 1618–March 3, 1707) was a ruthless leader who, despite his willingness to take the throne over the bodies of his brothers, went on to create a golden age of Indian civilization. An orthodox Sunni Muslim, he reinstated taxes and laws penalizing Hindus and imposing Sharia law. At the same time, however, he greatly expanded the Mughal empire and was described by his contemporaries as being disciplined, pious, and intelligent. Fast Facts: Aurangzeb Known For: Emperor of India; builder of the Taj MahalAlso Known As: Muhi-ud-Din Muhammad, AlamgirBorn: November 3, 1618 in Dahod, IndiaParents: Shah Jahan, Mumtaz MahalDied: March 3, 1707 in Bhingar, Ahmednagar, IndiaSpouse(s): Nawab Bai, Dilras Banu Begum, Aurangabadi MahalChildren: Zeb-un-Nissa, Muhammad Sultan, Zinat-un-Nissa, Bahadur Shah I, Badr-un-Nissa, Zubdat-un-Nissa, Muhammad Azam Shah, Sultan Muhammad Akbar, Mehr-un-Nissa, Muhammad Kam BakhshNotable Quote: Strange, that I came into the world with nothing, and now I am going away with this stupendous caravan of sin! Wherever I look, I see only God...I have sinned terribly, and I do not know what punishment awaits me. (supposedly communicated on his deathbed) Early Life Aurangzeb was born on November 3, 1618, the third son of Prince Khurram (who would become Emperor Shah Jahan) and the Persian princess Arjumand Bano Begam. His mother is more commonly known as Mumtaz Mahal, Beloved Jewel of the Palace. She later inspired Shah Jahan to build the Taj Mahal. During Aurangzebs childhood, however, Mughal politics made life difficult for the family. Succession did not necessarily fall to the eldest son. Instead, the sons built armies and competed militarily for the throne. Prince Khurram was the favorite to become the next emperor, and his father bestowed the title Shah Jahan Bahadur, or Brave King of the World, on the young man. In 1622, however, when Aurangzeb was 4 years old, Prince Khurram learned that his stepmother was supporting a younger brothers claim to the throne. The prince revolted against his father but was defeated after four years. Aurangzeb and a brother were sent to their grandfathers court as hostages. When Shah Jahans father died in 1627, the rebel prince became Emperor of the Mughal Empire. The 9-year-old Aurangzeb was reunited with his parents at Agra in 1628. The young Aurangzeb studied statecraft and military tactics, the Quran, and languages in preparation for his future role. Shah Jahan, however, favored his first son Dara Shikoh and believed that he had the potential to become the next Mughal emperor. Aurangzeb, Military Leader The 15-year-old Aurangzeb proved his courage in 1633. All of Shah Jahans court was arrayed in a pavilion and watching an elephant fight when one of the elephants ran out of control. As it thundered toward the royal family, everyone scattered except Aurangzeb, who ran forward and headed off the furious pachyderm. This act of near-suicidal bravery raised Aurangzebs status in the family. The following year, the teenager got command of an army of 10,000 cavalry and 4,000 infantry; he soon was dispatched to put down the Bundela rebellion. When he was 18, the young prince was appointed viceroy of the Deccan region, south of the Mughal heartland. When Aurangzebs sister died in a fire in 1644, he took three weeks to return home to Agra rather than rushing back immediately. Shah Jahan was so angry about his tardiness that he stripped Aurangzeb of his viceroy of Deccan title. Relations between the two deteriorated the following year, and Aurangzeb was banished from court. He bitterly accused the emperor of favoring Dara Shikoh. Shah Jahan needed all of his sons in order to run his huge empire, however, so in 1646 he appointed Aurangzeb governor of Gujarat. The following year, the 28-year-old Aurangzeb also took up the governorships of Balkh (Afghanistan) and Badakhshan (Tajikistan) on the empires vulnerable northern flank. Although Aurangzeb had a lot of success in extending Mughal rule north and westward, in 1652 he failed to take the city of Kandahar, Afghanistan from the Safavids. His father again recalled him to the capital. Aurangzeb would not languish in Agra for long, though; that same year, he was sent south to govern the Deccan once more. Aurangzeb Fights for the Throne In late 1657, Shah Jahan became ill. His beloved wife Mumtaz Mahal had died in 1631 and he never really got over her loss. As his condition worsened, his four sons by Mumtaz began to fight for the Peacock Throne. Shah Jahan favored the eldest son Dara, but many Muslims considered him too worldly and irreligious. Shuja, the second son, was a hedonist who used his position as governor of Bengal as a platform for acquiring beautiful women and wine. Aurangzeb, a much more committed Muslim than either of the elder brothers, saw his chance to rally the faithful behind his own banner. Aurangzeb craftily recruited his younger brother Murad, convincing him that together they could remove Dara and Shuja and place Murad on the throne. Aurangzeb disavowed any plans to rule himself, claiming that his only ambition was to make the hajj to Mecca. Later in 1658 as the combined armies of Murad and Aurangzeb moved north toward the capital, Shah Jahan recovered his health. Dara, who had crowned himself regent, stepped aside. The three younger brothers refused to believe that Shah Jahan was well, though, and converged on Agra, where they defeated Daras army. Dara fled north but was betrayed by a Baluchi chieftain and brought back to Agra in June 1659. Aurangzeb had him executed for apostasy from Islam and presented his head to their father. Shuja also fled to Arakan (Burma) and was executed there. Meanwhile, Aurangzeb had his former ally Murad executed on trumped-up murder charges in 1661. In addition to disposing of all of his rival brothers, the new Mughal Emperor placed his father under house arrest in Agra Fort. Shah Jahan lived there for eight years, until 1666. He spent most of his time in bed, gazing out the window at the Taj Mahal. The Reign of Aurangzeb Aurangzebs 48-year reign is often cited as a Golden Age of the Mughal Empire, but it was rife with trouble and rebellions. Although Mughal rulers from Akbar the Great through Shah Jahan practiced a remarkable degree of religious tolerance and were great patrons of the arts, Aurangzeb reversed both of these policies. He practiced a much more orthodox, even fundamentalist version of Islam, going so far as to outlaw music and other performances in 1668. Both Muslims and Hindus were forbidden to sing, play musical instruments, or to dance- a serious damper on the traditions of both faiths in India. Aurangzeb also ordered the destruction of Hindu temples, although the exact number is not known. Estimates range from under 100 to tens of thousands. In addition, he ordered the enslavement of Christian missionaries. Aurangzeb expanded Mughal rule both north and south, but his constant military campaigns and religious intolerance rankled many of his subjects. He did not hesitate to torture and kill prisoners of war, political prisoners, and anyone he considered un-Islamic. To make matters worse, the empire became over-extended and Aurangzeb imposed ever higher taxes in order to pay for his wars. The Mughal army was never able to completely quash Hindu resistance in the Deccan, and the Sikhs of northern Punjab rose up against Aurangzeb repeatedly throughout his reign. Perhaps most worryingly for the Mughal emperor, he relied heavily on Rajput warriors, who by this time formed the backbone of his southern army and were faithful Hindus. Although they were displeased with his policies, they did not abandon Aurangzeb during his lifetime, but they revolted against his son as soon as the emperor died. Perhaps the most disastrous revolt of all was the Pashtun Rebellion of 1672–1674. Babur, the founder of the Mughal Dynasty, came from Afghanistan to conquer India, and the family had always relied upon the fierce Pashtun tribesmen of Afghanistan and what is now Pakistan to secure the northern borderlands. Charges that a Mughal governor was molesting tribal women sparked a revolt among the Pashtuns, which led to a complete breakdown of control over the northern tier of the empire and its critical trade routes. Death On March 3, 1707, the 88-year-old Aurangzeb died in central India. He left an empire stretched to the breaking point and riddled with rebellions. Under his son Bahadur Shah I, the Mughal Dynasty began its long, slow decline into oblivion, which finally ended when the British sent the last emperor into exile in 1858 and established the British Raj in India. Legacy Emperor Aurangzeb is considered to be the last of the Great Mughals. However, his ruthlessness, treachery, and intolerance surely contributed to the weakening of the once-great empire. Perhaps Aurangzebs early experiences of being held hostage by his grandfather and being constantly overlooked by his father warped the young princes personality. Certainly, the lack of a specified line of succession did not make family life particularly easy. The brothers must have grown up knowing that one day they would have to fight one another for power. In any case, Aurangzeb was a fearless man who knew what he had to do in order to survive. Unfortunately, his choices left the Mughal Empire itself far less able to fend off foreign imperialism in the end. Sources Ikram, S.M, Ed. Ainslie T. Embree. Muslim Civilization in India. New York: Columbia University Press, 1964.Spear, T.G. Percival. â€Å"Aurangzeb.† Encyclopà ¦dia Britannica, 27 Feb. 2019.Truschke, Audrey. â€Å"The Great Aurangzeb Is Everybodys Least Favourite Mughal.† Aeon, 4 Apr. 2019.
Thursday, March 5, 2020
Blends in Spelling and Sounds - Special Education
Blends in Spelling and Sounds - Special Education When considering a spelling program and how to best help children learn the sounds of the English language, remember to choose words that help them understand all of the 44 sounds. Part of those 44 sounds include the blends. Blends are 2 or 3 consonants combined to form a distinct sound such as: bl cl, fl, gl, pl, br, cr, dr, fr, gr, pr, tr, sk, sl, sp, st, sw, spr, cr, str. These common words with blends are good to review and print for young learners. Sound: bl like in blueblue, black, blood, blew, blow, block, blob. Sound: cl like in clapclap, club, clay, cloud, climb, clown, class, close. Sound: fl like in flyflu, fly, flag, flat, flame, flood, flower, floor. Sound: gl like in gladglow, glad, globe, glide, glove, glass. Sound: pl like in playplay, plan, plug, place, plate, plant, plane, plain. Sound: br like in brownbrown, brow, broke, broom, break, brake, brag, bridge. Sound: cr like in crowcry, crow, crab, cried, crash, cross, crown, crack, crumb. Sound: dr like in drawdraw, drink, drum, drop, dress, drank, drove, drive. Sound: fr like in fryfry, from, frog, front, fresh, fruit, Friday, free. Sound: gr like in growgrow, grab, grew, grade, grass, green, grape, grown. Sound: pr like in bluepray, prize, proud, price, proof, print, prove, price. Sound: tr like in treetree, train, trust, trade, track, try, true, truck, trade, treat. Sound: sk like in skysky, skip, ask, skin, skate, skill, skirt, task. Sound: sl like in slipslip, slide, slap, slow, slam, sleep, slept, slipper, slim. Sound: sp like in spotspot, spill, spare, spot, spa, spam, spoke, speak, speed, spoon. Sound: st like in stopstop, stay, stem, star, start, stuff, stood, store, storm, stick. Sound: sw like in swingswing, sweet, sweat, switch, swell, swallow, sweater. Sound: spr like in springspring, spray, sprout, spread, sprout, spree. Sound: scr like in scrapscrap, screw, scrub, screen, scream, scratch, describe. Sound: str like in stringstring, strong, street, stretch, stroke, stripe, strange, struggle.
Tuesday, February 18, 2020
Should Under God We Trust be taken off US currency Essay
Should Under God We Trust be taken off US currency - Essay Example It is then a bit troubling and awkward for the US treasury to continue to print money bills with the phrase â€Å"In God We Trust.†This essay provides arguments to the position that the US should eliminate the use of this phrase in the printing of future currency bills. To understand why the religious motto â€Å"In God We Trust†is utilized in the printing of money it is essential to look at the history of this event. The motto was first utilized right after the civil war in America to serve as a sign of peace and unity among U.S citizens who were separated by internal conflict and need a common reminder of higher being watching over the horrendous acts being committed in a war. At that time it may have been justified, but in modern times this religious connotation should have been eliminated a long time ago. If our education system prohibits the teaching of religion in our public school system, then why should our economic system openly promote religion through a slogan? The utilization of this slogan contradicts the official position of the US government of separating state and the church. President Theodore Roosevelt once expressed in a letter his position on the issue, â€Å"My own feeling in the matter is due to my firm conviction tha t to put such a motto on coins, or use it in any kindred manner, not only does no good but does positive harm, and in effect irreverence which comes dangerously close to sacrilege†(Procon, 2008). The utilization of this motto sets forth a precedent right before our eyes that discriminate against believer of other religions that are not Christian based. Since other religions such as Buddhism and Muslim do not believe in god, instead they refer to the almighty as Buddha or Allah. â€Å"In this nation that is suppose to be this beacon of religious liberty. What’s next? ‘In Jesus We Trust’ ’In Protestantism We Trust’ †(Newdow, 2006). The US government is taking an official stance in preference of Christians; when the
Monday, February 3, 2020
Social Responsibility and the Traditional College Student Research Paper
Social Responsibility and the Traditional College Student - Research Paper Example Freshman, all too often students leave for college and have no idea what the next chapter of their life will consist of in college. They understand they are headed to college and they are expected to attend class, make the grades, and graduate to get a good job. What they do not realize is that it is hardly that simple. There is so much more to the college experience aside from the obvious and one thing I feel traditional students lack is an understanding of personal responsibility. Students embrace the absence of their parents with the new gained freedom but the end result is binge drinking, campus reports of rape, alcohol poisoning, and lowered retention rates. It has been understood that in order to cultivate the values of responsibility, and good citizenship in the next generation that active investment is desirable for the purpose of civic responsibility. Apart from simply academic endeavors, productive and stable society needs in socially minded individuals able to give due dil igence to the needs of the community, and interest of a multicultural integration for the betterment of the whole. A time-honored strategy which serves as both an indicator and an encouragement of civic responsibility would be the fostering of voluntary service programs, often involving college students. Primarily, the evaluation for any such program at the college level is whether and to what extent the program or intervention measure benefits the students collectively. Involvement in voluntary service initiatives can be useful in the strategic planning for institutional policy in the long run. While civic responsibility and social awareness are desirable traits, and such programs by definition should be bereft of a profit motive, there must still be some nod to the principle of efficiency. What is the most effective use of the institution's time and resources with an eye towards long-term objectives of cultivating social responsibility? The investigation of programs and interventi ons that promote student responsibility are valuable for long-term planning purposes, but the body of literature concerning longitudinal research on the subject remains sparse. There are findings that indicate voluntary service programs can provide gains in civic responsibility, as well as cognitive performance – but more work is needed to fully quantify to what extent such gains are likely. And critics would suggest that many such studies concerning cognitive gains with respect to voluntary programs demonstrate limited evidence of effectiveness beyond the originating college campus. (Astin & Sax, 1998), (Batchelder & Root, 1994) Literature Review To integrate the subject of personal responsibility into curriculum would serve them well. Like a College 101 but on the social end rather than the academics end. In the article, â€Å"Teaching Students Personal and Social Responsibility With Measureable Learning Outcomes†, the topic of personal and social responsibility was addressed with regards to the 21st century college student. There was a study done at Rollins College (a small private liberal arts school) and Winthrop University (medium-sized, public comprehensive university) to evaluate personal and social responsibility; they created Core Commitments as a guiding philosophy (AAC&U,
Sunday, January 26, 2020
Mental State Examination (MSE) | Case Study
Mental State Examination (MSE) | Case Study Ellie Fitz-Gerald Giving examples from the case study, how would you describe Amanda’s behaviour and appearance as set out in a MSE? A mental state examination (MSE) is used to assess an individuals mental capacity and reasoning at the time of an interview. It couples a number of cognitive domains in an attempt to characterise a person’s mental state (PCDCBP, 2011). The first domain of a MSE is a visual assessment of the patient, non-judgementally describing an accurate appearance of the patient including as many details as possible. These aspects include but are not limited to age, gender, build, posture, grooming, hygiene, heath levels, signs of drug use, hair style and colour and ethnicity. Behaviour is another non-judgemental assessment of the patient’s behaviour in general, but also a description of eye movement and eye contact, body movement and any gestures that are made. This is often coupled with an interpretation of the patient’s reaction to their current situation; examples may include descriptions such as being cooperative, hostile, withdrawn or suspicious (PCDCBP, 2011). Appearance: Amanda is a young woman with dyed blue and pink hair, which is mattered and unkempt. She has a number of piercings in her nose, eyebrow and lip. Her arms are covered in sores and her pupils are dilated. On paramedic arrival, they described that Amanda was â€Å"sitting upright appearing dazed and anxious†. In the cubicle on arrival to ED, she appeared very tense. Later in the cubicle, Amanda is smiling and then quickly appears terrified. Amanda’s mother has reported that â€Å"she [Amanda] comes home dishevelled and dirty. She has lost a lot of weight†¦Ã¢â‚¬ Behaviour: Amanda’s behaviour over the course of the case study could be described as erratic, often shifting between states of anxiety, happiness and terror. On arrival of the paramedics, Amanda was described as â€Å"anxious and short of breath†. In the cubicle at the ED, Amanda was pacing up and down the corridor and wringing her hands occasionally, responding quickly to any stimulus by staring intensely at the ceiling or at staff members. A description of her eye sight involved her manner and gaze alternating â€Å"between being intrigued to afraid to hostile†, coupled with difficulty remaining still. Amanda was hesitant to be touched, and noted to be constantly picking at sores. Later, Amanda was later happy and quickly turned to terror and despair. Amanda is described by her mother in these examples; â€Å"Amanda hasn’t been herself since dropping out of university†¦Ã¢â‚¬ , â€Å"She has lost contact gradually with nearly all of her friend an d become increasingly isolated†, â€Å"Over the last three months her behaviour has become increasingly odd and erratic†, â€Å"goes out, sometimes for days at a time†, â€Å"talking loudly to herself in her room†¦over the past week she has been shouting†¦but there was no one in her room with her.†, â€Å"Last night she burst out of her bedroom and screaming incomprehensibly at her father then stopped suddenly and went back into her room.†Define cognition and then briefly discuss how we might interpret how both Amanda’s thought content and thought form are disturbed? According to Miller and Wallis (2009), cognitive or executive control, or cognition, refers to the ability to coordinate thought and action and direct it toward obtaining goals. Cognition is important in planning and sequencing complex events of behaviour, as well as prioritizing goals (Miller and Wallis, 2009). Thought content and processing is a somewhat subjective insight into cognitive capacity. For example, thought process can be a description of a patients thinking and a characterisation of how a patient’s ideas are communicated. The speed of thought is how quickly a patient changes ideas, known as ‘flight of ideas’ (Snyderman and Rovner, 2009). An example exhibited by Amanda is in the ED cubicle where she had asked the clinician â€Å"You wont tell her anything will you?†, quickly progressing through a series of thoughts from â€Å"you know don’t you?†to â€Å"They’re everywhere†to â€Å"The whole planet is falling†and then â€Å"Shut up shut up†. Additionally, thought form is another domain which could be described as goal-directed or conversely, disorganised. These terms carry descriptors, describing whether a patients thoughts are logical, tangential (quickly diverging, as shown through Amanda’s haphazard thought progression), circumstantial (unsupported thinking) or loosely associated (Snyderman and Rovner, 2009). Amanda displays a number of disorganized thought categories, stating â€Å"Everyone of us is falling – the whole planet is falling†is a description of both unsupported thinking, and potentially an illusion Amanda is experiencing. Another interpretation of disordered thought is that of intrusive thoughts or obsessive ideas. As severity of mental health illness increases, patients may exhibit delusional thinking (a false belief not held by peers that persists despite evidence to the contrary), hallucinations (false perception of sensory stimuli) or illusions (a misperception of real life) (Mar tin, 1990). Amanda illustrates both hallucinations and illusions. Amanda seems to demonstrate hallucinations through multiple spoken phrases: â€Å"They’re everywhere. Everywhere†¦under my skin†, â€Å"Shut up, shut up†¦Ã¢â‚¬ , â€Å"Can’t you hear what they’re saying?! All the children have been hurt†. Taken together, Amanda’s thought content and process appears compromised. Briefly explain the differences between hearing and listening. Choose two skills of listening and discuss how you would use these skills to effectively communicate with Amanda. What are some of the barriers you might face in the process? Hearing is the process of physiological receiving and processing sounds, without being fully attentive or actively concentrating on what is being said. This is passive listening. In contrast, listening is an active process, paying attention to what is being said, constructing meaning from, and in addition, often responding appropriately to what has been said using astute observation (Purdy and Borisoff, 1997). Listening is necessary for the health professional as it involves more than simply sending and receiving words, and can validate the patient’s emotions and promote an understanding between patient and health professional. Hearing on the other hand does not continue or encourage interaction. Listening can be enhanced by actively applying numerous measures. Two of these are providing non-verbal cues and picking up on the non-verbal cues of the patient. Providing non-verbal cues to Amanda would encourage a non-judgemental and mutual understanding environment, often involvin g the implementation of an acronym SOLER (Sit squarely, Open posture, Lean forward, Eye-contact, Relaxed) (Egan 2002). In addition to this, nodding the head and quiet murmurs as encouragement also aids active listening, this may assist in making Amanda feel better understood, and potentially play a role in reducing her defensiveness to a medical situation. Secondly, picking up on non-verbal cues from the patient is critical in making them feel understood. A health professional should endeavour to pay careful attention to what the patient is expressing and how they are displaying these emotions. This may manifest through facial expression, body posture, movements or excessive/poor eye contact and illustrate a patient’s emotion or frame of mind (Egan, 2002). In Amanda’s situation, recognizing that she is in distress by verbally acknowledging it may led to some kind of mutual understanding and rapport building between Amanda and the health professional. Some barriers to t his include Amanda’s current inability to adequately perceive her environment correctly. Amanda does not seem as aware of her surroundings and stares often at the ceiling. She may be inattentive to the non-verbal postural cues by the health professional aimed to place her at ease. Her responses may be skewed and irrational, and the potential hallucinations that she may be experiencing are external to any verbal communication that can resolve her distress. Define therapeutic communication. Using case study examples, explain the difficulties involved in communication when managing a complex scene that includes an anxious patient who presents in the emergency department with a distressed and demanding relative. Therapeutic communication occurs between a health professional and a patient, which considers a patients experienced emotion and explores the meaning and potentially faulty cognition in an attempt to resolve them. It is often formal, purposeful and structured, with a long term goal to produce a desired change (Plutchik, 2000). Managing patient anxiety in a scenario with a demanding relative has its challenges. When paramedics have arrived to the scene of Amanda, her mother is quite distressed, yet Amanda is highly anxious, â€Å"The mother is constantly obstructing and getting in their way causing interruptions†. The assertiveness of Amanda’s mum may obfuscate the ability of the paramedics to create a therapeutic relationship with Amanda in order to de-escalate the situation. Furthermore, this may worsen the anxiety experienced by Amanda. Moreover, attention may be given to the mother in order to place her at ease. One manner to reduce this difficulty is to try to separ ate the parties. In the ED, this dynamic may result in similar difficulties, and the presence of a demanding relative in this context could potentially result in Amanda having difficulty communicating additional information due to her anxiety. Although in the case study Amanda’s mum is not particularly difficult, in the scenario where a distressed and demanding relative was present in the ED and hindering patient treatment the best course of action would be to kindly ask them to take a seat in the waiting area. If the distressed relative is being quite difficult to handle other tactics include asking relative to go and get an item such as a drink for the patient, which would require that they leave the area. If the relative continues to cause disruption to the patient care they must be informed that if they cannot allow the healthcare team to complete their care for the patient they will be removed from the area/hospital. What are the key components of an effective handover between health professionals from different disciplines? Discuss the important considerations of patient handover in regards to objective information and confidentially. A clinical handover is the transfer of professional responsibility, accountability, clinical information and patient to another set of health professionals on a permanent or temporary basis. In order for an effective handover to occur, numerous considerations must take place. First, the handover should have clear leadership. Second, there should be support for the handover process to come from all levels of the medical team. Third, adequate information regarding the patient and the current situation and future direction should be provided if applicable. Fourth, tasks must be prioritised, further care plans put in place and unstable patients are reviewed in a rapid manner (AMA, 2006). A qualitative study on paramedic and emergency department handovers showed that paramedics wish for a consistency in the terminology used, a shared understanding of the team members in each of the roles of health professionals, and a standardized approach to handovers, such as a predetermined format whic h is flexible and recognises professional judgement and experience (Owen et al. 2009). A problem arises when considering the objectiveness of information that is acquired from various sources. In order to address this, health professionals should speak non-judgementally, and take note of what was observed, as opposed to spoken by the patient, or reported by a significant other in terms of incidents. These processes maintain some level of objectiveness. Confidentiality is a necessary and critically important obligation and law-binding role of all health professionals. One manner to protect confidentiality would be to initiate handover in an area whereby members of the public cannot overhear. Reference List AMA (2006) Safe handover: Safe patients: Guidance on clinical handover for clinicians and managers. Australian Medical Association. Kingston, ACT, Australia. Egan, G. (2002) The skilled helper: a problem-management and opportunity-development approach to helping. 7th edition. Pacific Grove, California: Brooks/Cole. Miller, EK, and Wallis, JD (2009) Executive Function and Higher-Order Cognition: Definition and Neural Substrates. In: Squire LR (ed.) Encyclopedia of Neuroscience, volume 4, pp. 99-104. Oxford: Academic Press. Martin, DC (1990) Clinical Methods: The History, Physical, and Laboratory Examinations. 3rd edition., Butterworth Publishers Owen, C, Hemmings, L, Brown, T (2009) Lost in translation: Maximizing handover effectiveness between paramedics and receiving staff in the emergency department, Emergency Medicine Australasia, 21: pp. 102-107. PCDCBP (2011) Understanding the Mental State Examination (MSE): a basic training guide. Palmerston Association Inc. Subiaco, WA. Plutchik, R (2000) Emotions in the practice of psychotherapy: Clinical implications of affect theories. American Psychological Association. Washington, DC, US. pp. 149-168. Purdy, M and Borisoff, D (1997) Listening in everyday life: A personal and professional approach. Second Edition. University Press of America Inc. LLanham, Maryland. Snyderman, D and Rovner, BW (2009) Mental Status Examination In Primary Care: A Review. Am Dam Physician, 15(80): pp. 809-814. 1
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Healthy Lifestyles Essay
Health lifestyles, in turn, are ways of living that promote good health and longer life expectancy as stated in the assignment. Health lifestyles that promote good health and longer life expectancy would be one where the person has contact with doctors and takes care of themselves completely. While going to the doctors and taking care of oneself is extremely important so is taking care of ourselves outside of the health care system. We have to eat a proper diet and exercise. Most importantly the person has to be able to stick with it and drink water to make sure that they are hydrated and do not get sick from exercising. The person also needs to get adequate amounts of rest. I think that one theory that would support this point of view would be the theory of the â€Å"Looking- Glass Self†(Cockerham, 2012). Cooley ´s concept of the looking glass self-states that each person grows when they interact with other people (Cockerham, 2012). How we look at ourselves comes from how other people perceive us. Actually, how we see ourselves does not come from who we really are, but rather from how we believe others see us. The reason I say that is because most people see themselves how others see them. Or what they think others see them as. In my opinion that is what encourages people to start living and eating the right things. Exercising because of their self-image and what they think that others think about them. The second theory would have to be the theory of health lifestyles. I am unsure if this is an actual theory or not. Cockerham’s theory basically states that individuals have the right to interpret their situation, as well as make choices. This is true, people do make their own decisions, however as he also pointed out that all social action takes place in contexts that imply both constraints and opportunities. By being able to choose to exercise, eat right and to see the doctor it is fully in that persons hand to live a healthy lifestyle. I would say reduce the amount of stress that you encounter especially if you know what causes you stress. Also exercise daily and eat healthy. The person should also get plenty of rest since sleeping too much or too little can worsen anyone’s mood. It is alway s a good idea to pace yourself when you are exercising though. You do not want to end up hurting yourself if you push yourself too hard in the beginning when you are just starting to exercise. The more you exercise the more your body will get used to it and you can exercise more and boost your endurance and stay healthy. I think there are eight (8) components to the model. They would be 1.) Class circumstances/ age/ gender/ race and or ethnicity collectives living conditions 2.) Socialization Experience 3.) Life Choices, 4.) Life Chances (both 3 and 4 interplay) 5.) Dispositions to Act 6.) Practices, 7.) Alochol use, smoking, diet, exercise, checkups, seatbelts etc. 8.) Health Lifestyles (reproduction). I think that it is very effective even today. It still applies. The demographics and life choices makes sense when trying to get someone to be healthy. They are still as valid and relate to present day situations as it did when the model in the study of health behavior and healthy lifestyle was first done. References Cockerham, W. (n.d.). Medical Sociology (12th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education, Inc.
Friday, January 10, 2020
The Surprising Details Regarding Dissertation Services Most People are not Aware Of
The Surprising Details Regarding Dissertation Services Most People are not Aware Of If you must compose a thesis statement only we'll also assist you. Dissertation editing has become a favorite method adopted among doctoral students who want to earn a mark and achieve academic distinction. Employ the most suitable dissertation editor There are innumerable benefits of selecting the suitable dissertation editing administration at the perfect time. If You Read Nothing Else Today, Read This Report on Dissertation Services You need to spend a whole lot of time to deliver a good dissertation. Anyone may require some dissertation help from time to time. If you believe your deadline becomes closer, and you've got no clue how to begin your project, you'll need some on-line dissertation help that will do the job. A great start is vital. Our dissertation writing service supplies a variety of benefits students are certain to appreciate including proofreading, editing, revisions, form atting and a lot more. Frequently, students erroneously assume that writing help is quite pricey. Let it be all sorts of dissertation writing, it isn't an easy going to the earners since they need to devote lots of time and hard word for writing a great dissertation chapter. Dissertation writing is easily the most difficult sort of writing students are assigned to deal with. Finding the Best Dissertation Services Doesn't matter what sort of assistance you require, our educated and competent writers are pleased to help you. A great idea is to purchase dissertation not to focus all of your time on writing. When writing an essay, whatever the subject, everything appears to be easy when the appropriate studies have been made. 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Thursday, January 2, 2020
A Delusion of Satan Great Insight Into the Past Essay
A Delusion of Satan was written in 1995 by Frances Hill, and published by Da Capo Press. Frances Hill, an accomplished writer and journalist from London, has been writing for a decent period of time. Aside from publishing two novels, Hill has written fiction reviews for The Time (London) and has worked as a reporter in in both New York and London. With such an accomplished journalist, reporter, and writer, we are due to receive a good read in A Delusion of Satan. Set in the Colonial American village of Salem in Massachusetts around the year of 1692, A Delusion of Satan opens by describing, in depth, the puritan lifestyle. Ranging from the social aspects, to the religious aspects, to the political aspects of puritan living, Frances†¦show more content†¦According to text, rather than admitting that they were in control of their own actions, Ann, Betty and Abigail also accused Tituba of â€Å"placing the hand of Satan upon them.†From this place, the downward spiral only steepens. Tituba confesses (it was a forced confession) to witchcraft, and by February of 1692, Betty and Abigail accused two more women, Sarah Good and Sarah Osborne, making three total accused â€Å"witches.†Accusations, examinations, and imprisonment continued, and by the end of April, 23 more people are jailed under accusations of witchcraft. â€Å"Salem was possessed.†This pattern continued for the better part of a year. Almost 30 died, and well over 100 spent months in prison. In January of 1693, however, all of this would change. Sir William Phips, governor of the Massachusetts Bay Colony, stepped in after his own wife was accused of witchcraft. He questioned the validity of all accusations and formed a new high court to try all accused witches. Of the many tried, only three were found to be â€Å"guilty.†This is where we start to see a rapid decline of the ordeal. With the formation of this new court, accusations held little weight until proven by Phips’s court. Additionally, Phips pardoned and ordered the release of all previously/remaining accused â€Å"witches†in May of 1693. So ends the Salem Witch Trials. Thirteen years later, in 1706, Ann Putnam makes an apology toShow MoreRelatedEssay Witchcraft Portrayed in Films6180 Words  | 25 Pagesof Christianity, during the third century of the Common Era. Chris tianity, following a monotheistic set of beliefs declared that any other representations of the Divine were incorrect, and that any other Gods were in fact demons from the legions of Satan. `Christianity succeeded, for a time, in making the Gods of the old religion the Devil of the new. (Crowley, Page 17) However, even with the political power of the conversion of Rome behind Christianity, it was having a hard time superimposing itself
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