Tuesday, December 24, 2019
Essay Exam Euh1000 - 1386 Words
| Essay Exam #2 West of the World | Virginia Atteberry10/16/2011 | Fall 2011 – EUH1000- Western Civil Thru 1589 - 35290 | 1. Discuss the Lay Investiture struggle and give its effects. What was really at stake? The Lay Investiture struggle was between the people of the Church and the rulers of Europe. The rulers wanted to have power over the church which would require the church officials to become dependent upon the government. Not only would the pope and the other officials of the church not have their independence in the church but also the land and religious offices would be at stake. The hunger for more power began with Otto I, who demanded that the pope crown him as Holy Roman Empire’s emperor. Otto I’s crown†¦show more content†¦Medieval kings followed specific outlines of treaties and slow but sure glorification because of the initial weak position. One of the more important specific events involved was the Norman Conquest of England. The medieval societies and cultures were articulated through distinguishing styles and institutions such as the Gothic cathedral, the scholastic Summas, the manors, and the guilds. Medieval politics formed a parallel countenance in the old-fashioned monarchy as it flourished throughout the High Middle Ages. Greater rudimentary diversity were present in medieval politics more so than in social or cultural practices. The agricultural improvements bore new ingredients to the rural life. Some peasants were almost free farmers, having few debts to their lords. Noble landlords mainly served military functions only, as they owned horses and armor, which was required in order to be able to fight to the end of the medieval period. Nobles, well most of the nobles, rejected the defect of exchanges, Nobles found that too much money-grubbing was patronizing. Nobles did use trade as a way to advance the living standards and implement more refined behaviors. The chivalrous writings of the late Middle Ages revealed the new way of life. http://history-world.org/midchurchhigh.htm http://occawlonline.pearsoned.com/bookbind/pubbooks/stearns_awl/medialib/IM/ch16.pdf
Monday, December 16, 2019
Germination of Seeds Free Essays
A seed consists essentially of a seed coat, stored food and a young plant, the embryo. The seed coat may be made of inner tegmen and outer testa. On the seed coat a scar (hilum) is present which shows the place of attachment of a seed in the fruit is present. We will write a custom essay sample on Germination of Seeds or any similar topic only for you Order Now At one end of the hilum is the micropyle. Through micropyle the seed absorbs water during the process of germination. The embryo consists of epicotyl,one or two seed leaves called cotyledons, and a hypocotyle. The portion of the embryo above the point of attachment of cotyledons to embryo axis, and below the plumule is called epicotyl. The plumule forms shoot. the portion of the embryo below the point of attachment of cotyledons to embryo axis but above the radicle, is called hypocotyls. The radicle forms root. The seed also contain the food, derived from the endosperm tissue. The food may remain as such or may be digested and stored in the cotyledons. Thus the cotyledons become thick due to the presence of stored food. This food is supplied to the developing plant during the process of germination of seeds. In the grain of maize, the cotyledon is modified into an organ called scutellum a term that comes from the Latin word meaning â€Å"Shield†. The food stored in scutellum is used first during germination of seed. Later on scutellum absorbs the food of endosperm and supply it to the developing embryo. â€Å"The maize grain is infact a single seeded fruit in which seed coat fruit wall is fused. †Practical Work: investigating structure of seed of gram and maize With the help of hand lens locate micropyle and hilum of the two seeds. With the help of scalpel cut the seeds longitudinally and observe different parts of the embryo along with endosperm with the help of (fig 16. 1) 1. What is the function of micropyle? 2. Why can’t you find endosperm in gram seed? Fig. 16. 11 Structure of seed of gram (a) and maize grain (b) 16. 5. 1 Seed germination During germination (growth and development) of a seed the water is absorbed through micropyle, and the formerly dormant embryo resumes growth and emerges from the seed. The root is normally the first structure emerging the seed, growing rapidly and absorbing water and min erals from the soil. Much of the water is transported to the cells in embryo. As its cells elongate the stem pushes out of the soil. There are two types of germination, epigeal and hypogeal. When the cotyledons appear above Fig 16. 12 (a) Hypogeal germination in gram seed the ground by the elongation of hypocotyl, the type of seed germination is called epigeal, e. g. seeds of melons, cucumber and beans[Fig 16. 12(b)]. 16. 12 (b) Epigeal germination in bean seed When the cotyledons remain below the soil, and epicotyl elongates bringing only plumule above the soil surface, it is described as hypogeal germination, e. g. eed of gram and maize grain[Fig 16. 12(a)] Germination is the onset of growth of a seed, often lollowing a period of dormancy, in response to suitable environmental conditions. 16. 5. 2 Conditions For germination to take place the seed must be viable (living) and should have sufficient food for its germination. The following environmental conditions must exist. In some seeds such as of tobacco plant light is also necessary to trigger germination o f seeds (i) Moisture or water (ii) Air(O2) (iii) Suitable temperature (i) Moisture or water Through micropyle, the seed absorbs water, which swells it causing the seed coat to burst. This helps the root to emerge out of seed. Water absorbed by the germination seed helps to activate the enzymes to digest the food of seed, which is made available to the growing embryo. It also helps to elongate hypocotyls and epicotyl, to grow out. (ii) Air Because oxidative metabolism usually takes over soon after a plant embryo starts to grow, most seeds require oxygen for germination. So air is very important for germination as it contains about 21% of oxygen, which is used during respiration. iii)Suitable temperature Germination of seeds occur over a wide temperatue range between 5-30 C. the optimum temperature for the germination of seeds of most plants ranges between 25-30 C. optimum or suitable temperature is necessary for the enzymes to function. During early germination of seeds, the vital mobilization of food reserves stored in the embryo cotyledons or the endosperm is mediated by h ormones, which in some cases are gibberellins. Practical work: investigating the conditions necessary for germination Set up four test tybes each with ten seeds labeled A, B, C and D as shown in Fig. 16. 13. Put tubes A, C and Din a warm place, in laboratory, Put tube B in a refrigerator. The test tube will have the following environmental conditions: Water, suitable temperature and air Water and the air (low temperature) Suitable temperature and air Water and suitable temperature (no air) Observe the test tubes regularly for about one week. 1. In which tubes the seeds germinate? 2. Did all the seeds in these tubes germinate, if not, why? Name the conditions necessary for the germination of seeds? How to cite Germination of Seeds, Papers
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Successful Leadership free essay sample
Only by mastering the above 3 qualities then can a leader be considered as a successful leader. Do you still think successful leadership is Just about winning the hearts and minds of the people? You may ask: why bother to win the hearts and minds of the people? A leader has to be able to win the hearts and minds of the people to gain their support. This is necessary because a leader must have followers, followers who are willing to listen to the leader, followers who believe in the leader. So how does a leader achieve this? Well, to win their hearts and minds of people, I believe that it all starts with the eader encouraging and motivating the people. By doing so, the people will feel that their leader actually cares for them and that the leader is as though a close friend of theirs, supportive. This will definitely help bridge the gap between the leader and the people, bringing their relationship closer. Through this, the leaders are then able to gain the trust of the people, and when this mutual trust it built, the group can then effectively reach goals as a whole, as one. Of course, the leader must also be meritocratic and fair in order to win the hearts and minds of the people. The core of it all is to make the people happy, make everyone happy. Being biased to a certain group of people may bring them happiness and gain the support of them. However, the rest of them will feel that they are unfairly treated and will definitely rise against this leader. In history, we saw the French Revolution, which was caused by resentment towards royal absolutism, resentment towards noble privileges and dominance, by the peasants. Therefore, if a leader cannot even achieve win the hearts and minds of the people, who will be willing to support him? Who will be willing to choose a person who does not understand them well as their leader? Who will want a leader that is biased towards the rich, leaving a huge gap between the minority of the rich and the majority of the poor? No one will. The second aspect of successful leadership is to lead by example. A leader has to serve as a role model for the people to follow, then will people listen to you. You cannot expect a leader to ask people stop smoking when he himself does not stop, can you? Policies implemented must include the leader himself too. If the leader does ot adhere to his own policy, this will be known as what the Chinese call shuo yi tao, example, he will not only serve as a role model but also as an inspiration for the others. People will have the mentality that if he can do it, so can l, therefore, I feel that whether or not a leader leads by example is an important turning point in his leadership career. Leading by example is important but what is the most important thing that the leader has to lead in? The most important thing a leader must lead in is to be morally upright and work for the group interest rather than personal nterests. As a group, a leader not only has to look after his own interests but also the interests of his fellowmen. One, who gives up his group interests for their own, is not only a bad leader but also a traitor, and if he is caught, they will be severely dealt with under the hands of the law. A clear example is former president Chen Shui-bian, who was charged with embezzling $3. 15 million during his presidency, receiving bribes worth at least $9 million, the laundering of some of the money through Swiss bank accounts, and the forging documents. He had sacrificed the interests of the ublic for his own and even tried to deny the public of the truth. Such leaders are definitely not role models but rather serve as examples for people to not follow. The final and most important factor of successful leadership is to have foresight and understand the team well. A leader has to be able to set long-term achievable goals for the team, steering the team towards success. This ability to foresee the road ahead for the team and prepare the team according to the conditions is Just like the telescope of submarine. A leader must also have the foresight in understanding hether if the measures taken are in the best interest or beneficial to the group. Although measures taken may not be necessarily popular, it will be necessary as long as it is for the long-term benefit of the group. In Singapore, we have the Electronic Road Pricing. This system may not be popular with commuters, with many locals criticizing the system. However, it is effective in preventing heavy congestions. If Singapore did not have such a system coupled with the large population of cars in Singapore, Singaporeans may be facing heavy congestions during rush-hour periods. So, a leader must persevere and push forward what he thinks is the best for the people despite severe criticisms. A last point that a leader needs to recognize is the importance of coordination and cooperation within the team. Coordination is required for the effective reach of goals whereas cooperation is needed so that both the leader and people can help each other, point out each of their weaknesses, allowing the change for the better. This change will bring the entire group to greater heights. To sum up, a leader with vision encompasses the ability to understand what s beneficial and set achievable goals for the team. At the same time, he is also willing to listen to his people and learn about his weaknesses. Only by recognizing his mistakes then can he work on them. In my opinion, this is the best and the core of successful leadership. Successful leadership is not only about winning the hearts and minds of the people but includes a concoction of leading by example and having the foresight to plan ahead. By encompassing all these qualities, then will the people be happy, then will the people respect the leader and then will the team succeed. So heres my say: one
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Nike Is The Leading Shoe And Athletic Apparel Company In The United St
Nike is the leading shoe and athletic apparel company in the United States and one of the largest in the world. In 1993, Nike's fiscal revenues were as large as the NBA, NFL, and Major League Baseball's television deals, ticket sales, and paraphernalia sales combined. In addition to their phenomenal sales, Nike has marketed itself so thoroughly that it has literally become a household name. Over 200 of the 324 NBA players wear Nike shoes, with over 80 of them under contract to do so. 275 professional football players and 290 Major League Baseball players join them. Nike's fame however, is not limited to professional sports. Over one half of the NCAA championship basketball teams of the past decade have worn Nike shoes and apparel and the company has endorsement agreements with over 200 colleges and universities. The scope of this corporation even extends beyond the United States. Nike recently paid an unfathomable $200 million in an endorsement deal with the Brazilian National Soccer Team (State of California v. NIKE, Inc.; Nike). This hefty sum of money seems even more outrageous given the conditions of the factories used to produce these high-dollar goods. Nike does much of its shoe production in China where workers cannot be represented by labor unions. In these factories, workers are paid $1.50 at best for a pair of shoes that sells for around $100. In attempts to improve its public image, Nike repeatedly makes claims that its workers are paid double the minimum wage. Ironically, in most cases workers actually make less than the minimum wage. In Vietnamese factories, the minimum wage is $35 per month. Most Nike workers contend to make less, and their pay stubs serve as proof. Some employees actually make as little as 300,000 dong or $25.86 per month. This leaves literally no room for savings and most workers have to seek financial assistance from relatives just to survive (Greenhouse; O'Rourke ). The same company that paid $200 million for an endorsement can't pay its workers more than the required $35 a month. Dusty Kidd, Director of Nike Labor Practices offered some insight into Nike's philosophy. "I am fully cognizant of the call on the part of some for a "living wage". That is generally defined as sufficient income to support the needs of a family of four. We simply cannot ask our contractors to raise wages to that level ? whatever that may be ? while driving us all out of business; and destroying jobs, in the process." On the contrary, just one month after that statement was issued, Kathryn Reith, Manager of Women's Sports Issues made a proclamation of her own. "Nike is fulfilling our responsibility as a global corporate citizen each and every day by guaranteeing a living wage for all workers...and creating opportunity for women's financial independence." (State of California v. NIKE, Inc.). Nike's female workers have a different view of the situation. The salary they receive cannot even constitute a living wage for a single person, let alone a family of four as Mr. Kidd stated. To eat three meals a day, these women must spend at least $2.10 per day. The average daily wage for these women is $1.60. A salary too small to provide food for them is hardly a living wage. To counter this, Nike CEO Philip Knight wrote a letter to the New York Times dated June 21, 1996 claiming that Nike "provides free meals, housing, and health care" to its workers. A review of check stubs shows that workers are charged nine cents for their lunch each day, bringing their hourly wage down to 16.8 cents per hour. At the typical 267 hours Vietnamese workers put in each month (107 of those hours being overtime by U.S. standards), they bring home an average of $45. In addition, workers themselves pay for their health care and company-funded housing is a fantasy (State of California v. NIKE, Inc.). Small salaries such as this fall short of justifying the hours workers are forced to put in. Vietnam's labor law limits overtime to 200 hours per year on a voluntary basis. Nike workers however are forced to work overtime, often in excess of 500 hours per year. If these workers
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